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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

Ghost. United Kingdom

ID #1548680666
Added Mon, 28/01/2019
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Source date: 
деревня Черчсток в Англии
United Kingdom

Once the pensioner has decided to install an infrared camera in the garden of his house. With this material he hoped to see a Fox or other wild animals that live in the wild. The next day, when he saw the image, he saw the legs of what could be a Ghost ...

Dick Williams is 88 years old, he lives in the village of Churchstoke in England. Given that this mysterious site visitors can be a burglar, he called the police to investigate. As for his goals, he lowered the camera, it could take only legs of the attacker.

Obviously, it was the old woman in Slippers and Bathrobe light in color.

A little upset with this adventure, he remains skeptical:

"I don't believe in ghosts. I have no hypothesis. I found traces of foxes and other wild animals in the garden, so I decided to put this device."

After a brief investigation the police were unable to identify the woman. This neighbor? Given the scale of mysteries, we cannot decently ignore the trail of ghostly visions ...

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

Original news

Un jubilado puso una cámara infrarroja en el jardín de su casacon la esperanza de observar si ingresaban zorros u otros animalitos salvajes.

Sin embargo, a la mañana siguiente solo pudo ver las piernas de una misteriosa mujer que caminaba por el jardín.

Dick Williams, de 88 años, quien vive en la ciudad de Churchstoke, Inglaterra, quedó muy asustado.La policía todavía está investigando el incidente.

Debido a la posición de la cámara, colocada en el piso, con el fin de capturar el paso de animales salvajes, el video sólo permite ver las piernas y la espalda de una mujer mayor, con zapatillas y bata.

"No creo en los fantasmas. No tengo ninguna hipótesis", expresó Williams.

"He encontrado evidencia de zorros y otros animales salvajes en el jardín, y es por eso que decidí poner la cámara. Pero nunca nada me llevó a pensar en la presencia humana.


Las conjeturas apuntan a una persona sonámbula. "No hemos podido identificar a la mujer", informó la policía. Un verdadero misterio.


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