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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

UFO. United States

ID #1549464141
Added Wed, 06/02/2019
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
20.04.1952 21:15
Флинт, MI
United States

Student naval aviation, his wife and several other people I watched the movie with 21-15 to 22-40 20 APR 1952. While watching (in the theater) they saw several groups of objects flew over them. We were a group of from two to nine objects, and there were about 20 groups. The groups of objects flew in a straight line, except for some changes of direction, which were carried out in the same way as in any standard aircraft rotation.

The objects were in the form of a conventional aircraft. An unexplained feature of the objects was that each had a red glow and he glowed. It is worth noting that it was a cloudless night.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

Original news

A naval aviation student, his wife, and several others were at a drive-in movie from 2115 to 2240 hours on April 20, 1952, during which time they saw several groups of objects fly over. There were from two to nine objects in a group and there were about 20 groups. The groups of objects flew in a straight line except for some changes in direction accomplished in a manner like any standard aircraft turn.

The objects were shaped like conventional aircraft. The unaccountable feature of the objects was that each had a red glow surrounding it and was glowing itself, although it was a cloudless night.


Entry on this case from Brad Sparks’ “Catalog of 1,500 Project Blue Book Unknowns”:

April 20, 1952. [Flint, Mich.? 43.00° N, 83.70° W?] 9:15-9:40 p.m. (EST?) Naval aviation student [Kohut ? Choot?], wife and several others at a drive-in movie saw about 20 groups of 2-9 aircraft-shaped objects fly over enveloped in a red glow, mostly on straight-line course, except for occasional standard aircraft-like turns.

(Battelle Unknown No. 2; FUFOR Index)


Entry on this case in Richard Haines’ “Project Delta: A Study of Multiple UFOs” (1994):

Abstract: About twenty separate groups of objects were seen by several witnesses on the ground in clear weather. They appeared in separate smaller groups of from two to nine objects, each group remaining visible for about 6-10 seconds. All objects appeared to have a constant intensity of cherry red color with a halo around each one. Their shape was described as that of a fuselage with extended, high aspect wings. They changed position at an “amazing rate” and their direction of flight changed in large radius turns; each object appearing to go into high bank angle turns. The objects were estimated to travel across the sky at more than 1,200 mph in a generally straight path at from 10,000 to 30,000 feet altitude. They seemed to disappear in different directions (generally) to the North of the witnesses.

Comments: This case involves a very large number of objects (up to 180!) which are apparently not flocks of birds due to the high rate of speed they were travelling. (UNICAT#180)


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
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Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
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The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
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