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UFO. Spain

ID #1550493528
Added Mon, 18/02/2019
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 

In his television program "Cuarto Milenio" researcher Iker Jimenez remembered the episode "the Boy of Tordesillas", which occurred in October 1977.

Object with the window raised up out of the fog, firing a beam of light. Beam which is "hit" by Martin Rodriguez Rodriguez between the stomach and the chest.

Martin left unconscious. When he woke up, painted it and signed: "I saw a UFO ".

"When I got a medical report on Martin, I realized that his life turned into a living hell. He suffered from fourteen to sixteen operations on the brain".


Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

Original news

Spain: UFOs Soar Over Tordesillas Yet Again

On his Cuarto Milenio television program, researcher Iker Jimenez brought to mind the episode of the "Boy of Tordesillas", which occurred in October 1977, when a youngster witnessed how a beam of light, issuing from an unidentified object, pierced his chest. This resulted in numerous neurological surgeries - between fourteen and sixteen - according to the show host.

It was an action-reaction, as is often said. Last Sunday, Venancio Alvarez described his UFO sighting in the municipality of Castronuño in Valladolid. "We could see the object as far away as Tordesillas," he said.

At that moment, Iker Jimenez, host of Cuarto Milenio, exclaimed: "Do you know what happened to a child from Tordesillas?" he asked Venancio. "Your mentioning Tordesillas has made my hair stand on end."

Jimenez recalled a close encounter incident that he had uncovered - "The Boy of Tordesillas" - an episode in which an object with a porthole rose out of the fog, firing a beam of light that struck one Martin Rodriguez Rodriguez between the stomach and the chest, an incident that has gone down in the annals of ufology.

"When I received Martín's medical report, I realized that his life had become a living hell. He underwent between fourteen and sixteen life-or-death brain surgeries in which his cerebral fluid was drained, all of this due to this apparition." Jimenez mentioned the time that Martin had visited his program in 2006 - an episode which aired a year ago today, February 12, 2018.

"Martin was left for dead. When he regained consciousness, he made a drawing and scribbled, 'I've seen a UFO'," added Jimenez.

Last year's show also featured Daniel Pérez, who had also been the protagonist of a classic 1970s UFO case. This man had also witnessed a light - with occupants - over the same community in Valladolid.

Daniel told his story, adding that he "threw a rock" at the luminous object, which suddenly went dark. "Three or four seconds later, the outline of a door appeared, making it possible to see "a head and a cucumber-shaped body" although it wasn't entirely possible to say that it had arms or legs." Daniel says he "tried to communicate" with the presence.

Just another interesting UFO case presented by Iker Jimenez on Cuarto Milenio.


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