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UFO. United Kingdom

ID #1550657432
Added Wed, 20/02/2019
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
14.02.2019 20:15
United Kingdom

In the sky over England two pilots on two different aircraft sighted the UFO. An intriguing event took place on Thursday evening, when two of the aircraft, Air Midwest flew over the city of Gloucester.

The company originally referred to the odd event on his page in Facebook, but after their revelation about UFOs caused great interest of Internet users, provided additional details.

As reported by Air Midwest, an unusual meeting took place during the "night navigation exercise". Around 20:15 the pilots of both aircraft saw the "one red and one orange light in the sky South of Gloucester". One of the aircraft tried to intercept the mysterious lights, but his pursuit proved futile, as the mysterious anomaly managed to evade the pursuers.

"First, I observed two large square orange fire. One was above, the other below-said one of the pilots. — The top object was always orange, and the bottom sometimes glimmered white."

Oddly enough, the pilot also reported that twice during the incident, "I saw five orange lights, but they immediately disappeared." Ultimately, none of the pilots could not identify what they saw.

A few days later after the first message, Air Midwest put on a new Facebook post, which expressed surprise at the amount of attention given to this story.

"We are all very surprised by the interest in this article. But we need to clarify that I do not claim that faced with an alien situation. We encountered unexplained aerial lights that were not like any conventional aircraft nor a weather balloon".

Air Midwest also pointed to the fact that the two pilots were very experienced, each of them had "more than 25 thousand flight hours", but still they were confused about what they saw.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»


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