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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

UFO. United Kingdom

ID #1554713034
Added Mon, 08/04/2019
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
Шипли, на севере Брэдфорда, Англия
United Kingdom

Giant Donedavna was photographed in Shipley,North of Bradford, England. For the only witness, there is a high probability that it is of alien visitors.

Emil Zemchonak (24) works in a factory Denso Marston. On Sunday morning, October 6, 2013, when he returned home, he decided to take a picture of the city. At the time he was driving his car along the road connecting the town of Uros and Rosebery Avenue from Shipley.

Subsequently, he was literally shocked, seeing the presence of the object in the form of a flying saucer over Shipley in the upper left corner of the photo.

"I had a friend from London to visit this area, and I wanted to show him the beautiful views. Only when I went back and looked at the pictures, I saw this form.

I immediately thought that it looks like a space ship. I think he must have come from space because it seems so strange."

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

Original news

Attention Shipley... you are not alone. Could this photograph be evidence that alien intelligences from the far reaches of space have been visiting the Bradford district?

Emil Ziemczonek thinks it just might be. He snapped this shot of the skyline of the town on Sunday morning and when he looked at it later was shocked to see the distinctive saucer-shaped object above Shipley, to the left of the photograph.

Emil, 24, who works at the Denso Marston manufacturing plant, was travelling from Wrose back home to Rosebery Avenue in Shipley when he decided to take some pictures on his phone of the surrounding landscape.

He said: “I had a friend coming to visit from London and I wanted to show him the beautiful views. It was only when I got home and looked through the pictures that I saw the shape.

“I immediately thought that it looked like some sort of spaceship. I think it must have come from Space because it looks so very strange.”

He added that he hadn’t noticed anything in the sky as he snapped the pictures, at just after 10am on Sunday, because “it must have been flying very quickly”.

According to the website www.uforth.com, which documents various UFO sightings and sorts them into different categories and shapes, the mystery object photographed by Emil could fall into one of the most common categories of alleged alien spacecraft.

The site shows pictures similar to the one taken by Emil and says: “Of all known craft, the domed disc is perhaps the most instantly recognizable, and has been portrayed countless times in the media, but in reality the shiny silver disc so often represented is but one of its many variants.

Emil said: “It definitely wasn’t a cloud. It’s mystery. It looks very crazy. I’ve shown it to a lot of people and they are as puzzled as I am.”


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence

Капля (или загрязнение) на объективе или стекле

Often it's a small point on the photos, like hovering metal ball. At least - this is quite a big blur. Color, brightness and the presence of a highlight depends on the color of the reflected light source, background shooting and drop form.

Shape, color and density of pollution may vary depending on the source of the contamination and its nature. This can be as a desired pattern on the glass, and random.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»


Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
Not enough information


The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
Not enough information

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