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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

UFO. Canada

ID #1555420342
Added Tue, 16/04/2019
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
23.08.1953 00:30
Сент-Джонс, NL

41-year-old James Byrne had parked his car in a small field near the road, outside the city. He and his bride listened to the radio in the car. It was a little cool, so James started the engine and turned on the heater.

James and his bride were talking when suddenly the radio and the engine is off. Surprised, James tried to restart the machine, but to no avail.

Preoccupied with the car, James was even more surprised when his fiancée cried out. She pointed through the windshield at something on the ground. James saw a round shadow was moving almost imperceptibly on the ground in front of them, surrounding the car. Something was moving between the Moon and Earth.

He leaned forward and looked through the windshield to see the "big black circle", hovering over him.

He was about 45 feet in diameter, with a rounded bottom and was surrounded by lights of different colors that pulsed in the direction of the earth's surface and seemed to differ in size from 4 to 10 feet.

Since James and his fiancée seemed to be in the center of this ring of strange flames, he was concerned that they might be killed by radioactivity. This thought forced him to act. He leaned in to under the dash to make sure that the ignition wires were weakened, but then he began to feel tingling all over my body. It was concentrated in his hands and on his head - as if the car was blowing warm air.

Suddenly the interior of the car tswelelo, as if it were daylight. James looked to see that his bride threw back his head over the back seat. Her eyes were closed and mouth wide open, like she was in some kind of trance. He could see that the light was distributed throughout the car, which he couldn't see anything but him.

He believed that the object was at a height of not more than 8 feet above his car.

The next thing he remembered James, notice UFO at a distance of about 20 feet, opposite side of the machine, and at least as high in the air. A moment he stood motionless, then slowly made three or four zigzags, before he disappeared, moving from South to North, North-West.

At the same time James heard a voice: "don't tell anyone about this, as we will come back to your house".

The car wound up on their own and the radio resumed playing. His bride woke up and was completely confused. For some time after this event, James claimed that the back of his neck was always itchy.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

Original news

41-year old James Byrne had parked his car in a small field, just off the road, outside of this city. He and his fiancée were listening to the car radio. It was a bit cool so James had started the engine and turned on the heater. James and his fiancée were talking when suddenly the radio and the engine shut off. Surprised, James tried to restart the car, but to no avail. Preoccupied with the car, James was even more surprised when his fiancée let out a shriek. She was pointing through the windshield at something on the ground. James saw a circular shadow moving almost imperceptibly on the ground in front of them, surrounding the car. Something was moving between the moon and the ground. He leaned forward and looked up through the windshield to see a “great black circle” hovering immediately above. It was about 45 ft in diameter, with a rounded bottom and was surrounded by flames of different colors, which were pulsating toward the ground and seemed to vary in size between 4 and 10 ft. Since James and his fiancée seemed to be in the center of this ring of strange flames, he was concerned that they might be killed by radioactivity. This thought jarred him into action. He bent down to feel under the dash to see if the ignition wires were loose, but then he started to feel a prickling sensation throughout his body. It was concentrated in his hands and at the back of his neck—as though warm air was being blown into the car. Suddenly, the interior of the car lit up as if it were daylight. James looked to see that his fiancée had her head thrown back over the top of the back of the seat. Her eyes were closed and her mouth was wide open, like she was in some kind of trance. He could see that flames were shooting down all around the exterior of the car, making it impossible for him to see past them. He figured the object was no more than 8 ft over the top of his car. The next thing James remembered was spotting the UFO about 20 ft away, opposite his side of the car, and at least that high in the air. It was stationary for a moment then slowly made three or four zigzags in a skimming motion before it vanished, traveling from the south to the north, the northwest. At the same time James heard a voice say, “Do not tell anyone about this as we shall return to visit you again.” The car started up on its own and the radio resumed playing. His fiancée awakened and was thoroughly confused. For some time after this event, James claimed that the back of his neck was always itchy. He has seen several UFOs since and also claims to have been contacted again by the voice he heard.


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
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Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
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The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
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