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Ghost. United Kingdom

ID #1557842529
Added Tue, 14/05/2019
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Source date: 
Особняк "Плас Тег Якобиан"
United Kingdom

British photographer Paul Rowland visited a few days ago, the mansion has a Jacobean era "place Tag" near the Welsh village of Postbridge. This majestic building built in the early XVII century confidant of king James I, is considered to be inhabited by ghosts, and Sex, seem to be able to proof the veracity of this legend.

During the tour, Rowland made inside the building, lots of pictures, including captures on camera the interior of the bedroom of Sir John Trevor, the founder of the mansion. They say that in most of these the chambers of the court died after a long illness caused by a fall from his horse. The photographer used a special UV flash. On one of the frames using this technology, he captured something mysterious.

The image seemed hazy silhouette in the air, suspiciously like a human head. Well distinguishable not only by its shape, but also the dark eye and the ear. Rowland believes that he was lucky to capture the spirit of John Trevor, still appearing in my bedroom because we do not know.

It seems to me, says the photographer, it is UV flash allowed the Ghost to become visible to the camera lens, though we can assume that it's just a coincidence. And if the Ghost just wanted to "seem" to people, even if that's so ghostly, and only in the picture?..

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»


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