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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

UFO. France

ID #1561039788
Added Thu, 20/06/2019
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 

On Friday, 4 July 2014, at least four spherical UFO was filmed over the fairly isolated forest in the Dordogne, in southwest France. The witness's identity was not disclosed, but indications were presented on the website of MUFON.

Three of these objects flew together, while the latter was flying in the distance. They were all dark, although two of them periodically shone a bright white light. They all seemed down to earth, as if they wanted to land that may have taken place. But the witness could not tell because they disappeared behind the trees.


"I have filmed four UFOs over a forest in Dordogne (France). It was during a beautiful sunset. I looked between two houses to discover beautiful blue sky when I saw these objects. I had a Canon 700D, I was hoping that I can quickly write them down!

I think these objects were there for some time. It was probably the landing. Indeed, the three objects seemed to have fallen, before disappearing behind the trees.

I couldn't know more about this event, it happened on the outskirts of the village-the Ghost in the area was only 50 people. None of them were with me outside to observe this UFO!

I checked on Google Maps and the forest in front of me isolated. I don't understand how someone else can see them."

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

Original news

Published: 1:48 AM 7/7/2014

Published on July 5, 2014

Dordogne, France, July 4, 2014

I filmed four UFOs over a forest in Dordogne, France. It was during a beautiful sunset. I looked between two houses to discover the nice sky, when I saw these objects. I had may Canon 700D in hands, hopefully I could record quickly!

I think these objects were there since a long time. This is probably a landing. Indeed, the three objects seem to descend and get behind the trees...

I couldn't know more about this event, this is a ghost village, only 50 inhabitants in the area. None of them was outside to witness these UFOs with me!

I checked on Google map, and the forest in front of me is alone in the middle of huge lands. I don't see how anyone else could have seen them too.

Type - Dark round objects, Scale - House-sized, Duration - ~30 seconds, Color(s) - Black, Light(s) - Yes, two, Speed - Really slow.

Filmed with Canon 700D + 50mm F/1.8


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