Initial data
Nablyudatelnostyu M:
It was a warm summer night. My friends and I were sitting at the bus stop. Only forest and swamp. Suddenly, it seemed to me that someone is on the road. Went to look and suddenly saw in the sky a strange object.
It was a bright orange Orb the size of a little less moon. He just hung over the forest. Of particular significance, I this is not provided, and sat back on the bench. But in a few minutes we decided again to check whether hanging the ball. The ball hung.
Came up with the idea that this spotlight on the tower of the Forester, but the towers in that area never had.
Suddenly, the balloon took off and began to move in a straight line for flying aircraft. Long to watch it, I could not, he soon disappeared behind the forest.
Such balls, I watched a few years ago in the quarterfinals. Only there were two, and have the feeling that they played. Circling each other, then disappeared for nine, it appeared again.
Translated by «Yandex.Translator»
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