Initial data
The observer, signed as Kristaps:
It happened at 8:38, when I was in school. I looked up into the sky and saw something. It was a small round object like a car. I thought it was just a plane, but it flew at a height of 10 meters, approximately 500 meters from me. The strange thing is that he was moving slowly and he had some kind of tail, which changed all the time. At first he was like " / " then "-". It changed about two minutes. All this time I was on the road and watched. I really wish I had a camera! When I saw a UFO two person saw it too. After that my life changed.
Translated by «Yandex.Translator»
Original news
Eto slucilos 8:38, kogda ja shol v skolu. Ja kak-to posmotrel v nebo u uvudel tam cto-to. Eto bil malenkij kruglij objekt primerna kak masina. Ja dumal cto eto prosto camalot no on letal na vicote 10 metrov i bil primerno 500 m ot mena. Samoe stranoe bilo cto on dvigalcja medleno i u nego bil takoi kak hvost, katorii vso vremja menalcja. Snacala on bil "/" a potom uze "-". on menalsja minuti dve. Vco eto vremja ja stajal na daroge i smotrel. Kak ja hotel ctobi u mena bilo bi fotoparat. Ja ob etom ne osebajus potomu cto kogda ja cmotrel na NLO dba celoveka kotorie toze smotreli. Posle eto moja zizn izmenilas.
Дата события22-04-2004
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