Initial data
The observer, signed as Arvils:
Approximately at 23.00 in the direction from the DR to ZA was moving glowing object, rather large, about as high as planes. The object was not observed the traditional "smoky tail of the aircraft." At that time the stars were not visible, as it was cloudy. The object speed could be substantial, from the appearance to the disappearance of the object took about 3 minutes.
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Original news
Aptuveni plkst 23.00 virzienā no DR uz ZA virzījās spīdošs objekts, samērā liels, aptuveni tādā augstumā kā vērojamas lidmašīnas, aiz objekta nebija novērojama lidmašīnām tradicionālā "dūmu aste". Tajā laikā zvaigznes nebija redzamas, jo laiks bija mākoņains. Objekta ātrums varēja būt ievērojams, jo no parādīšanās brīža līdz objekta pazušanai pagāja aptuveni 3 min.
Дата события21-07-2004
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