ID | #1564071826 |
Added | Thu, 25/07/2019 |
Author | July N. |
Sources | |
Phenomena | |
Status | Hypothesis
Initial data
The observer, signed as Evita:
It was in Tukums in the winter, at night, around 00.30 maybe later. We were driving in the car, in the woods, a few hundred meters from the Lake Jumprava.
We stopped, got out and sat for a few minutes. I noticed something in the forest pulsing with bright light.
I know this place, there is some firewood, I don't think it could be a machine or similar lights. The light was too bright and unnatural bluish, not like the car and he persistently throbbed in the same rhythm.
I felt very uncomfortable and so tried to convince friends to get out of there faster.
Amazing that I have a couple of minutes staring at the pulsing light and the behavior of his friend (he seemed to not notice or do not notice the phenomenon) his behavior was not like always, he was restless and I felt it.
He realized that both feel that bad, it was the specific fear of the unknown, because the light was weird, the main thing that we managed to establish that the object is very close.
I comfort myself with the thought that, maybe, after all, was a machine.
Translated by «Yandex.Translator»
Original news
Tas bija Tukumā 2000.gada ziemā, naktī ap plkst.00.30 varbūt vēlāk, bijām iebraukuši ar mašīnu mežā, pāris simtu metru no Jumpravas ezera. Sēdējām pāris munūtes un tad intuitīvi pagriežot skatu uz mašīnas aizmuguri pamanīju no mežā spīdam pulsējošu spilgtu gaismu. Zinu to vietu, tur ir vieni brikšņi, nedomāju, ka tās varēja būt mašīnas vai baterijas ugunis.Gaisma bija pārāk spilgta un nedabiski zilgana, ne tāda kā mašīnas izstarota, pulsēja uzstājīgi vienā ritmā. Sajutos ļoti neomulīgi un tādēļ mudināju draugu doties ātrāk projām. Dīvainākais, ka es pāris minūtes vēroju pulsējošo gaismu un sava drauga uzvedību (viņš likās nemanām vai tiešām nemanīja to parādību)viņa uzvedība bija ne tāda kā vienmēr, viņš nemierīgi dīdijās un es jutu, ka viņu neapzināti pārņem satraukums un nedrošums. Sapratu, ka abi jūtam ko nelāgu, tās bija konkrētas bailes no nezināmā, jo gaisma bija dīvaina un galvenais, ka varēja noteikt, ka objekts atrodas ļoti tuvu. Varēju jau sevi nomierināt ar domu, ka varbūt tomēr tā bija mašina, bet no mašīnas tik elektroniski jeb kā lai pasaka - sekundāri nevar pulsēt gaisma.
Дата события22-07-2004
Light sources on clouds
Lasers, searchlights, car headlights and other light sources of sufficient power can form a column of light in a dusty or foggy atmosphere, various patterns on low clouds, fog or haze. Also, the rays can highlight parts of the cloud, objects or birds, giving them bizarre shapes.
Searchlights can shine with one beam, several. They can be stationary, move, and also form spinning carousels on the clouds, which can change shape and color.
It often seems that the light source is located at the point where the beam hits the cloud, and not vice versa.
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