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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

Ghost. Ireland

ID #1565360340
Added Fri, 09/08/2019
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 

Young people living in Ireland, has published on a famous web site a photo showing the face of what might be a Ghost.

According to his sister, 14-year-old grain, Dowdall Shine who made this picture before you send it in Snapchat. During the incident the witness was in her family room upstairs in Newry (Northern Ireland) with his girlfriend. It was then that the pair noticed a mysterious and ghostly presence.

This strange figure had obvious feminine appearance.

Shine shows:

"He was sent Snapchat to his girlfriend immediately after the pair saw the picture. He made a screenshot and sent it back."

Sister witness said that she and her family began to notice strange things for several months.

"It's so scary. Our house is only about 10 years, but over the past two months started to happen things like steps, unusual sounds. We also feel a presence."

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

Original news

Un jeune homme résidant en Irlande a publié sur un célèbre site Internet une photographie que d’aucun juge déconcertante et terrifiante. En effet, sur cette dernière, il est clairement visible le visage de ce qui pourrait être un fantôme …

C’est un certain Grainne Dowdall Sinead, un adolescent âgé de 14 ans, qui a pris ce cliché avant de l’envoyer sur son compte « Snapchat » a affirmé sa sœur. Au moment des faits, le témoin était dans sa chambre à l’étage de la maison familiale à Newry (en Irlande du Nord) en compagnie de sa petite amie. C’est alors que le couple a repéré cette mystérieuse et fantomatique présence.

Cette étrange figure avait une apparence féminine évidente.

Sinead témoigne :

« Il a été envoyé sur Snapchat par son amie tout de suite après que le couple l’ait vu. Il a pris une capture d'écran et l'a renvoyé en état de choc. »

La sœur du témoin affirme qu’elle et sa famille ont commencé à remarquer des évènements étranges depuis quelques mois déjà.

« C’est tellement effrayant. Notre maison n’est vieille que d'environ 10 ans, mais depuis ces deux derniers mois, des choses ont commencé à se produire comme des bruits de pas, des sons inhabituels. Nous ressentons également la présence de personnes. »

S’agit-il d’un fantôme ou n’est-ce qu’une illusion d’optique ? Et vous, qu’en pensez-vous ?


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence

The reflection on the glass

The object may be reflected light or any light source. The type of source (lamp, lantern, lampshade, glare from the mirrors of any shape and .t.n.) and the type of reflective glass in the photo can be crosses, circles, objects bizarre.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

Pareidolic illusion

A variety of visual illusions (the so-called "sensory illusions additions"); is the formation of illusory images, as a basis which are the details of the real object. Thus, the vague and obscure the visual image is perceived as something distinct and defined — for example, figures of people and animals in the clouds, the image of a man on the moon, "a hidden message", audible when you reverse the audio recordings, the shadows formed by leaves or complexes of objects in certain lighting (sometimes at a certain angle).

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»


Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
Not enough information


The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
Not enough information

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