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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

UFO. Canada

ID #1568210929
Added Wed, 11/09/2019
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
Виктория, BC

Summer evening in the early 60s I heard the news that a Soviet satellite could be seen in orbit that crosses our brain. So I took my dog Scotty on the field where horses were grazing and the foals that he and I frequented.

As I stood there, I saw astrophysical Observatory directly over the Small mountain of Saanich. I thought I was going satellite. I was expecting to see a flash, like a meteor crossing the mountain, but, to my amazement, he walked slowly and became more and more.

Telling us about your experience, miss M. I. offered in all of Victoria, sister-in-law of the artist Leslie is offered in all have painted the scene.

She continued:

I stared into his eyes and started to think that this may be a reflection of the plane. Suddenly he turned on me and became motionless - all the silver was shining in the late sun with many lights flickering on the sides .

I thought that a wingless plane or airship? But there were no gondolas, no sound. I expect that he will continue to move South-West, but suddenly he turned and quickly disappeared behind the trees in the direction Finlayson (at the Pat Bay) and the mountains of Suok.

As I walked home, I thought, did anybody else this strange object, though, I realized that many people were probably in the room at this time. I felt no fear at all. I carefully looked at the bright shining lights, such as Windows on the sides, but could not see any individuals or any forms. The object was glowing softly, not like the metallic appearance of our aircraft. No horses or my Scotty was not afraid, and the neighborhood dogs didn't bark.

MS is offered in all guessed that cigar-shaped object hovering right above the highest trees, was about 100 feet long and 25-30 feet in circumference. Later she learned that a friend who lived nearby, miss Audrey Wedderburn, saw the ship while she worked on a horse.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

Original news

The witness, Miss M. I. Footner of Victoria, was walking her dog, when she saw a bright dot of light just over Little Saanich Mountain. The light grew larger and larger, until suddenly the object was “above me and became stationary.” The object was cigar-shaped and about 100 feet in length. Later she learned that a friend who lived nearby, Miss Audrey Winderburn, had seen a craft of similar appearance while outside attending to her horse.


On a summer evening early in the ’60s I heard the news that the Soviet sputnik might be seen in orbit crossing our hemisphere. So I walked my Scotty dog, Cam, over to a field, where horses and colts were grazing, which he and I often visited.”

“As I stood there I saw a bright dot of light just over Little Saanich Mountain by the astrophysical observatory. I thought, here comes sputnik. I expected to see a flash like a meteorite cross the mountain, but to my amazement it came slowly and grew larger and larger.”

Telling us of her experience was Miss M. I. Footner of Victoria, sister-in-law of our artist, Lesley Footner, who sketched the scene as shown opposite [above]. She continued:

“I did not take my eyes off it and began to think it might be the reflection of an airplane. Suddenly it was above me and became stationary – all silver shining in the late sun with a number of twinkling lights along the side.”

“I thought again, is this a wingless plane, or dirigible? But there were no gondolas and not a sound. I expected it to continue on to the southwest but suddenly it veered at right angle and swiftly disappeared over the trees towards Finlayson Arm (Pat Bay is at entrance, see map) and the Sooke mountains.”

“As I walked home I wondered if anyone else had seen this strange object, though I realized many people were probably indoors at this time. I had felt no fear at all. I had looked carefully at the bright shining lights like windows along the sides but could see no faces or forms of any kind. The object had a soft glow about it, not like the metal appearance of our airplanes. Neither the horses nor my Scotty showed any fear, and no neighborhood dogs barked.”

Miss Footner guessed the cigar-shaped object, hovering just above the tallest trees, was about 100 feet in length and 25-30 feet in circumference. Later she learned that a friend who lived nearby, Miss Audrey Winderburn, had seen a craft of similar appearance while outside attending to her horse.


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