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UFO. Belarus

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
Деревня Сухари

1990, fall. Village Crackers Mogilev district. Pensioner Olga Nikiforovna Vlasova saw behind the hill, on the slope of which is her home, Burgundy glow. Really where's the fire? On the mound, where a woman stood, her eyes opened following picture. On the other side of the valley, where runs the river, on the site of the former Church of the village, on the hill shining bright orange light an unusual source: a huge bowl (2-3 meter diameter) with a kind of "superstructure" above. At first thought it was the moon, but she did not rise, and there was a body in the South-East.

Witness this extraordinary spectacle rushed home to call my husband. When the old men were again on the hill, they saw with horror that the object during this time moved to their side and up the slope, already crossing the river. They again disappeared in the house.

Crimson glow continued to light up the sky and surroundings. But curiosity beat fear. Olga Nikiforovna, leaving her husband at the gate, the third time up the hill: a few hundred meters over the young birch trees a metre or two above the ground growth with a four-meter birch trees glowed, flooding the surroundings with light, crimson "matryoshka". Where ordinary dolls — the person clearly saw two dots (eyes) in between by a vertical slash downwards (the nose), below it a horizontal line (mouth)... it has been several months since then, but now the mistress in the dark trying not to leave the house.

And such glow Olga Nikiforovna seen again, two weeks after the first case. However it arose, this time on the North side of the house and stayed about an hour. But this time the elderly did not dare go out to see.

(According to A. Yu. Balapanova and V. L. Malyshev).

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»


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