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UFO. Russia

ID #1568375767
Added Fri, 13/09/2019
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
Yaroslavskaya oblast

Says Tselikov A. B. (1940) from the village of beaver:

This case is very interesting. The students told me: flying heads. Their four children; three in the third grade. Girl tells me (they are twins, the girls): she wakes up at night and looking out the window head-ball. With eyes. Eyes are here, triangle, long. The mouth - like slit, and there are only 1-2 teeth. The head was looking and smiled.


She told the brothers. And the parents said nothing - they were afraid. Well, you know how it is with kids sometimes, I fear that they do not believe or what to blame will be...


She then, for another night, this is brother saw. And in my head became as red, circled it around the tree and flew along the village. The guys saw this balloon on the pen dropped, and disappeared. For Holman there swamp is he there and went. You know, the guys tell me, I know them, and see that you weren't lying, what to do?


On the third night they've seen three. A few balls were. One of them flew around the house. These guys went into the swamp, where the balls fell. In the trees there tops are charred, and the grass flattened.


On the fourth night they saw as the'ivka across the sky flew a ball of fire parted, and they flew into the woods.


The fifth time they've seen today: a large ball hovered over the poplar. The guys behind the grandfather ran called, and the ball is no more.


I tell them: you see that, run for adults. And now the day has five children saw how the ball was spinning, and sat down on the field. He rolled on the ground - and suddenly a huge man. Tall, long arms, below the knees. Direct. Went around the field with long strides, my legs are bent. (Yes, I forgot to tell you: "faces" those balls the colors were gray, and the third time head through the window looking at the sleeping Olga). So, the man went around the field, like collecting something. Then again became a balloon and flew away.


It was in April, in 94-m to year, snow has already gone... these children Live in the village Vasenina.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»


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