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UFO. Belarus

ID #1568382053
Added Fri, 13/09/2019
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 

1990, January, evening. Mogilev Zadneprovye district.

One evening, a ninth-grader Eugene Dmitriev came to his friend Vitali and I heard his story about an unidentified flying object, over which he watched for half an hour. Glancing at the spot again, they saw a glowing yellow-white ball. This time around it flew the plane. Initially, the ball flew over him, then hovered above the ground, then flashing, then disappearing into the night sky. A few minutes later, the ball flashed brighter than usual, made a sharp upward leap and disappeared completely.

In a week Jack with Vitaly decided to watch the stars in a makeshift spotting scope. The night sky was strewn with myriads of stars, but their attention was attracted by the object flying in a strange orbit. His movement was like a swinging pendulum — and it was moving in one direction and then the other, making some dramatic leaps forward. But the most interesting was that the object was unusually bright, standing out with its light among other stars, he in a moment, as if extinguished, and then re-flashed. Managed to observe one of these outbreaks. The source of the outbreak was a very elongated ellipse, resembling an arrow-shaped tip, and glowed with blue fire.

Jack believes that it was not an artificial satellite, are so unusual was the trajectory of its flight, and the radiation emanating from him, he was not like any flying object, created by the hands of humans.

(According to G. V. Lugovskoy)

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»


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