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UFO. Belarus

ID #1568382260
Added Fri, 13/09/2019
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
улица Фатина

04.01.90., 5 o'clock in the morning. Mogilev.

14-year-old schoolgirl Ella Smirnova was walking with his Sheepdog lime in a vacant lot in the streets of Tulle. Usually the dog very reluctantly returned home, but that morning something suddenly very scared, and lime ran toward the house.

The girl looked up at the night sky and saw over a solid pink circle with a diameter of about 1 meter. From below it looked as shown in the figure. After 2-3 seconds from one of the five lights on the ground vertically struck a beam, a light spot which approached to a distance of 1 m to the girl. She was possessed with fear, and she ran to the house.

Ran on the road, Ella almost got hit by a car, stalled literally in half. Excited driver started to scream, but seeing the beam, jumped inside and slammed the door. It was even worse. Home ray kept a meter away from the approaching girls.

Already from the window of Ella saw as the ellipse sailed between 9-storey houses and disappeared. The object was pink on top and yellow bottom half was separated by a black line, and the perimeter was a circular glowing portholes or lights.

(According to V. L. Malyshev)

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»


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