ID | #1568730052 |
Added | Tue, 17/09/2019 |
Author | July N. |
Sources | Чаровская К. Неопознанный феномен // Советская Белоруссия. Минск, 2007. 16 января. С. 6.
Островцова И. Сельчане спасались от инопланетян // Вечерний Гродно. 2007. Январь.
Чыгрын С. НЛА над Сялявічамі і Азярніцай // Газета Слонимская. 2007. 12 января.
Чыгрын С. НЛА над Сялявічамі і Азярніцай // Газета Слонимская. 2007. 17 января.
Кто летал над школьным стадионом? // Минский курьер. Минск, 2007. 23 января (№ 1116).
НЛО в Беларуси // «Аналитическая газета «Секретные исследования». Минск, 2007. № 3. С. 9.
Жители Слонимского района наблюдали странное свечение в небе // ОНТ
Phenomena | |
Status | Hypothesis
Initial data
Residents of the four villages of the Slonim district observed a mysterious phenomenon
The night of 12 January, the villagers Selyavichi, Yukhnovichi, Ostrovo and Ozernitsa Slonim district is unlikely to ever forget. As well as the staff of the Ministry, which a few hours had to answer the endless calls of the villagers, anxious appearance in the sky... a UFO.
- When my family watched the TV series "Not born beautiful", neighbor called and said that right above my shed hanging in the sky, weird glowing thing. The daughter ran out on the porch, in a minute returned, pale as a sheet and stutters, I saw something terrible. Then he came around again, and ran into the street with a cell phone to photograph the sky. By the way, the pictures did not work, in the frame - nothing but darkness, told me a resident of the village Selyavichi Valentine ostapovich.
Worried mother looked out and numb right over the sheds behind black heavy clouds hovered many glowing spots, which were one large circle about 10 meters in diameter. Came the endless phone conversations with neighbors, Slonimskii family and Ministry. All were advised to hide in the house and turn off the light.
- Do not think that we were seriously thinking about what landed alien craft. Rather, he was afraid that seeing strange natural phenomenon, from which anything can be expected. Although different people thought everything. Someone and a fantastic version put forward, recalls the unusual events of the night 11-grader Elena ostapovich.
When a strange round noticed, the first reaction of the villagers was curious. However, when it became clear that he was stuck for a long time, people have mastered fear. Even the emergency workers on the phone asking to check again to see whether the glow, could not persuade the peasants to leave the yard and explore the surroundings. A panicked: someone crying, drinking Valerian...
Around midnight, an unusual glow ceased, vanished, lost beneath the earth by a sheaf of rays whitish, and in the villages began a heated discussion on what actually happened to see? Those who watched the latest news reported that just this night past Earth the comet McNaught, 100 times brighter than the famous Halley's comet, and most importantly - to observe the heavenly traveler could with the naked eye. Maybe it was her? Only here's the thing: we all know that comets must be the tail, but is it just the residents of Slonim province, studied in detail the heavenly stranger, and did not find. The overcast sky also did not give hopes to see a body flying at high altitude.
Much more prosaic, but very plausible theory is expressed by the Chairman of the village Council Slavickova Anna Petko: amazing circles - traces of the powerful spotlights such as those now popular in the cities and in the clouds create something like illuminations. Perhaps, the mysterious light pouring from the Pruzhany (20 kilometers from Slavica), where there is night clubs. Maybe that's the solution? In fact, according to the head of the village Council, revolving counter-clockwise beams of light spots appeared in the sky over the villages for the first time.
This has happened before. Just the villagers go to bed early and Wake up early, so I didn't notice them. Besides the night of the accident, the clouds hung very low above the ground, and that the figure from the beam is really impressive. Under this theory fits all the stories about the disappearance of the flying spots: after a light changed direction, the villagers have seen more than a picture on the screen of clouds, and direct sunlight aimed in the opposite direction from the villages side.
Yet this explanation the most plausible. And - only. Specialists of the MOE, Hydro and even scientists of the National Academy of Sciences until only a puzzled shrug and do not build native versions on the strange phenomenon of the night.
The residents of Ruzhany (2007-01-17 21:55:17)
It was very painful to read Your article. Until now, we trusted the authors of this respectable newspaper. Katerina Karovska, if You'd bothered to drive another 20 km on the road Slonim-High, it would be in Ruzhany.
On our furniture factory for the purpose of advertising set the spotlight of the evening was directed in the direction of Slonim and was the source for Your article. That's all a UFO. Without respect, the residents of Różan. PS. Really hope to see a retraction of "abnormal report".
The villagers were saved from aliens
For an hour the inhabitants of the two villages of the Slonim district were constantly calling the line "01". The frightened villagers excitedly told me that in the dark sky clearly saw a UFO, which many were afraid to leave the house.
– 'm watching the series "Not born beautiful", and then a neighbor calls. "Look – he says – that over the school stadium's done!", says 54-year-old resident of the village Selyavichi Valentine ostapowich, who works on a local farm. – My daughter (she's in 11th grade student) without saying anything, threw a coat and ran outside. A minute later returned as white as a sheet, "Mom, mom!" – yells. Here already and I managed to get dressed. While ran, UFO three hundred yards bounced. But it was still clearly visible object like a flattened pumpkin, from the center lights in three rows, and all of this revolves. "Lena, run away!" shout. Home we hid and watched from the window of the corridor. And it stretched into the cone and dissipated... And most importantly, the weather that evening was such a wind, the sky is hazy, and how it all appeared, it was suddenly quiet and clear. A neighbor of my still nervous TIC, she was frightened to death... And that was it – God only knows.
According to the Manager of the operational control centre of the Slonim district Department on emergency situations Natalia On about the unusual phenomenon and told the caller villagers Yukhnovichi. There have been at least a dozen messages. Some saw "carousel" of the seven rings, moving clockwise. The villagers tried to photograph the phenomenon that was observed for almost three hours, and on a digital camera or a mobile phone, but nothing came of it. Not had a chance to see the glowing object and arrived at the scene rescuers.
Spotlight confused with UFOs
In the last issue of "Vecherka" wrote about how the villagers of the Slonim district excitedly called in regional Department on emergency situations and told that see a UFO. After the newspaper disturbing call was distributed in edition. A resident of Grodno excitedly told me that he returned from work and watched the sky, mysterious phenomenon...
"Beam, like a carousel that appears and disappears in the Park named after Gilbert," – said Natalia Semenovna, gaining editorial number from your mobile phone. It is not difficult to guess where a surprising phenomenon appeared in the center of Grodno. I think rotating the illumination of the townspeople saw more than once. It traces floodlight mounted on the building PMO "Institute "Grodnograzhdanproekt".
Similarly, we can explain the origin of the strange object, plied the night sky over a village in Slonim district. According to the Chairman of the village Council Slavickova Anna Petko, she twice saw the lights on different days, and the local police – and even more. Have repeatedly observed it, and the inhabitants of the neighbouring villages. Most likely, the rays throws a spotlight mounted in Ruzhany (25 kilometers from Slavica). Perhaps that night the clouds were too low to the ground, that glow turned out more spectacular than before. Anyway, this version seems the most plausible, and the other one didn't develop.
Of NLA over Salaam I Azarni
Vicharam 11 January, s 20 Yes 23 gazn jahari Vesak Salavi I Asarna Slonimskaja Ryan nazrul scawwy z Java, yakuyu NAKS, Yak NLA, not natives.
Corespondent GS potelefonu have Salavi I spyta, TSI saprati vasconi butyl of NLA on weskey. Truncated Luz raskazal into saprati this z Java was.
Nastan Salavei school Siarhei Klesa skaza into samoga letuchaja AB EKTA nhto not baci. Geta byli takiya Svetlaya plyami, that crucca PA walks Cruz. Siarhei Cosimo navat glaze on IX z brokle, and, on Iago Dumka, geta by NAC specifikt, not lately aparat.
(Prazak materialu citize ¡nastepnym of numary Nasha Gazeta)
Of NLA over Salaam I Azarni
Corespondent GS potelefonu have Salavi I spitsa, TSI saprati vasconi butyl of NLA on weskey. Truncated Luz, s ACM Davalos rasmalai korespondentu, perverz into this z Java was. Persim savail napisany AB EKT, rather just on Jae sviachene, nastan Salavei school, Bo predmet, sdavalsa, lterally use over the school stadionem. Nastan school Siarhei Klesa korespondentu GS pavadam into samoga letuchaja AB EKTA nhto not baci. Geta byli neykov Svetlaya plyami, aka krucza PA walks Cruz. Siarhei Cosimo navat glaze on IX z brokle I psycho Yes visnova into geta by NAC specifikt, not letuchy aparat.
Nastana Natallya Jukka great pakibasa rasamala great toe into Jan bacila: “Geta, I zdaetstsa was neshta dematerialise. Macsyma, nakae adjustrange, ale wellm prigozhee. Napisany of latouche aparat was normal walkie Cola, unutra joga byli malenka spikes - . - Yana swazis Cruces, nebrauca hudesti. Sdavalsa into gate Cola sasl simple over the school stadionem, ale Kali we adigozel blga something nabesna swacl udtalelse. Yano, darechy was wellm Welch Pamela. I Raney savagely on forests ¡Baku Rojana Valka Dirizhabl. There znachodzicca Viskova Casci. Macsyma, viscose ¡the sky I prawojazdy discord eksperymenty. And we think of NLA”.
Mabuchi, and so. Ale wackovia jahari niyak not moguce Aggadah adnu riddle: Cham on IX fotoaparatai, malnik telefonah I kakumiro Gata nabesna z Java not atlastravel? And hlopchik I jacenk for covast wysl vicharam I druhi on Zen - and raptum ZnO over IX wescam z Java gate Jae sviachene? This ale z Java ¡sky go not patruleasa.
Who flew over the school stadium?
For an hour the inhabitants of the two villages of the Slonim district were constantly calling the line "01", the newspaper "Evening Grodno"
The frightened villagers excitedly told me that in the dark sky clearly saw a UFO, which many were afraid to leave the house.
- We watch TV, and then a neighbor calls. "Look - he says - that over the school stadium done!" says 54-year-old resident of the village Selyavichi Valentine ostapowich, who works on a local farm. - My daughter (she's in 11th grade student) without saying anything, threw a coat and ran outside. A minute later comes back white as a sheet, "Mom, mom!" - yells. Here already and I managed to get dressed. While ran, UFO three hundred yards bounced. But it was still clearly visible object resembling a flattened pumpkin, from the center of the lights in three rows, and all of this revolves. "Lena, run away!" shout. We hid at home and watched out of his window. And it stretched into the cone and dissipated... And most importantly, the weather that evening was so windy, the sky is hazy, and how it all appeared, it was suddenly quiet and clear. A neighbor of my still nervous TIC, she was frightened to death... And that was it - God only knows.
According to the Manager of the operational control centre of the Slonim district Department on emergency situations Natalia On about the unusual phenomenon and told the caller villagers Yukhnovichi. There have been at least a dozen messages. Some saw "carousel" of the seven rings, moving clockwise. The villagers tried to photograph the phenomenon that was observed for almost three hours, and on a digital camera or a mobile phone, but nothing came of it. Not had a chance to see the glowing object and arrived at the scene rescuers.
UFO in Belarus
14 January 2007, Sunday, we called our readers and report seeing a UFO. Location – the village of the Island of the Slonim district of the Grodno region (on the border of the Brest region). Local resident Lydia Vladimirovna has told that strange objects in the sky were observed approximately 19 hours to approximately 20:30, which is about a half to two hours. Yet there was a vote (it was election day), and many people, leaving the polling station, I saw these strange objects.
Lydia Vladimirovna called this phenomenon a "miracle" - so it seemed unusual and colorful. At a distance of about three kilometers from the village (in the South-West of the village of Ruzhany, Brest region) at an altitude of about 500 meters under the clouds in the sky hung a group of objects. In the center, a glimpse of dark objects in the form of discs (or balls?) and the size of a car. On the sides of the drives were flashing their chain of colorful lights. These objects are not moving at all. Around them swirled the objects are smaller, irregular in shape, their lights blinking more often. Then came another round of small objects, migowski even faster. The objects of this outer circle emitted to the sides like rays of light, which, says Lydia Vladimirovna seemed right according to the eyewitnesses were.
Attempts by local residents to photograph UFOs nothing: the photo object was not visible. UFO tried to remove and neighboring Ruzhany, but that attempt got nothing. Lydia Vladimirovna said about this observation been all over the news on the radio.
Residents of the Slonim district observed a strange glow in the sky
A clear answer what it was, no one else can give. However, the villagers do not really want to believe that they were flown by aliens.
Dispatchers rescue service last night was on duty in the strengthened mode. The phone was ringing off the hook. Almost all the callers – residents of three villages of the Slonim district.
Volodymyr Yurchak, Deputy head of the Slonim RFS: "In the area 22.00 received signals from villagers Seavice and Juhnevica that appeared in the sky glowing circles, which diameter was 90 meters. Residents were worried, and wondered what it could be."
At the village school today talk about the green men. History – one more beautiful. Strange glowing circles were seen almost all the locals – about 200 people.
Svetlana Markushevskaya, local resident: "There was a circle of three rings – smaller, smaller, smaller. And the squares of light, like Windows. I live in the cottage opposite. Perhaps it was launched a modern pyrotechnics – fireworks".
Michael, student: "My sister called. So was spinning in circles, first slowly, then quickly, beginning to spin even more".
The teacher of the local school Raisa Klyosov in the heavenly origin of the strange circles in the sky does not believe, however, called their relatives to consult.
Raisa Klyosov, local resident: "I Have a nephew in the military. The first call was made to him, described the phenomenon. He paused, and then his mom called and said that there aunt Rai problems after prolonged fasting?"
Local children today, was looking forward to the next night, and the adults all day and shared experiences. Learned people remain realistic.
Natalia Zhukovskaya, teacher of physics: "Perhaps this military unit near Różan. Maybe something happened there. That way previously seen as the great airships soared in the sky. It was mysterious, and we do not understand what it was."
In response, local residents retort: if the glowing circles of terrestrial origin, why they are not seen in the photos and videos that tried to do high school in one of the villages?
Translated by «Yandex.Translator»
Light sources on clouds
Lasers, searchlights, car headlights and other light sources of sufficient power can form a column of light in a dusty or foggy atmosphere, various patterns on low clouds, fog or haze. Also, the rays can highlight parts of the cloud, objects or birds, giving them bizarre shapes.
Searchlights can shine with one beam, several. They can be stationary, move, and also form spinning carousels on the clouds, which can change shape and color.
It often seems that the light source is located at the point where the beam hits the cloud, and not vice versa.
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