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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

UFO. Estonia

ID #1569838167
Added Mon, 30/09/2019
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 

In mid-August LII Traveler, living in the North of pärnu County, photographed from the second floor of the neighborhood of his home, shrouded in fog. During another photo shoot the woman did not notice anything strange. Later, looking at photos from her phone, she couldn't understand how to hit the shot a yellow object floating in the sky.

"These photographs show the interesting phenomenon of atmospheric optics, which appears when the sun shines on the clouds at the known angle. Can enjoy the beautiful view of the sky," commented a photo of AI, which itself turned to the famous scientist, astrophysicist Jaan going, which is 38 years a member of the Estonian Academy of Sciences.

This explanation misses two circumstances: first, the sun had already set and, secondly, in a photograph taken 19 seconds ago, in this place the sky was clouds.

However, an appeal to the local astrophysics not clarify the situation.

"It is very interesting. It's hard to say that for the month captured in photos. Not good with cameras mobile phones and their programs, but I think it's optical violation on the small phone lens or a reflection, which appeared in "the moon." The sun and the moon has already sat down by that time. Can't comment on mystique!" - responded to the request of the journalist of the AAAS Paul, head of the Astro-center nature House Pernova.

An experienced photographer editorial could not explain this phenomenon, but suggested that the picture was taken through window glass and that the picture shows the reflection of the lights on the ceiling. However, this explanation was refuted by the author, who said that the pictures on the open balcony. And on the ceiling in the room was a square lamp.

Then the question was asked jüri Kamenik, doctoral candidate of the faculty of science and technology of Tartu University, defended his doctoral thesis on "the Climatology of extreme weather events in Estonia and their possible trends in climate change."

"There is a high probability that this is artificial light or artificial light source or its reflection. I remember someone once sent me a description of a similar situation without a photo. Investigation in the University of Tartu showed that it was artificial light, but more accurate to say it was impossible. The same situation seems to be here," said Kamenick.

Kamenik promised to transfer description of a scientist THAT specialized in the light, and studying the atmosphere physics, which could shed light on this phenomenon.

The journalist also appealed to the UFO, which suggested that the photograph depicts a pair or metaphysical phenomenon.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

Original news

Salapärane nähtus Põhja-Pärnumaa taevas

Augusti keskpaigas pildistas Põhja-Pärnumaal elav Lii Aija oma kodumaja teisel korrusel ümbruskonda, mis hakkas uttu mattuma. Naine ei märganud endale tavapärasel fotosessioonil midagi eriskummalist. Hiljem telefonist pilte vaadates ei suutnud ta aga mõista, kuidas jäi kaadrisse taevas hõljuv kollane objekt.

Salapärane nähtus Põhja-Pärnumaa taevas

Augusti keskpaigas pildistas Põhja-Pärnumaal elav Lii Aija oma kodumaja teisel korrusel ümbruskonda, mis hakkas uttu mattuma. Naine ei märganud endale tavapärasel fotosessioonil midagi eriskummalist. Hiljem telefonist pilte vaadates ei suutnud ta aga mõista, kuidas jäi kaadrisse taevas hõljuv kollane objekt.


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence

The reflection on the glass

The object may be reflected light or any light source. The type of source (lamp, lantern, lampshade, glare from the mirrors of any shape and .t.n.) and the type of reflective glass in the photo can be crosses, circles, objects bizarre.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»


Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials

Based on the stains on the background of trees - the photo was taken through glass. The appearance of the facility reflects the ceiling light reflected in the glass. At least there is a distinctive illumination in the upper part of the object, which is the ceiling lighting from the lamp. Probably, the photographer turned on the light before taking the photo.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»


The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation

The reflection on the glass

The object may be reflected light or any light source. The type of source (lamp, lantern, lampshade, glare from the mirrors of any shape and .t.n.) and the type of reflective glass in the photo can be crosses, circles, objects bizarre.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

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