Initial data
Chernikova Svetlana, master of landscaping NSU. Novosibirsk-55 (Akademgorodok), St. Musa Jalil, 1:
31 December 1976 was in the building of the sports complex of the University of Novosibirsk on duty.
In 6 hours 30 minutes in the morning came the cleaning lady. When I opened her glass door, I saw through the glass over the forest closer to the horizon flying glowing Orb, about the size of 15 cm in diameter, if it were in his hands. You can even make this comparison — with a child's head. The glow was like the light of fluorescent lamps.
The ball was moving quickly. I opened the door, he disappeared behind the trees. The ball was moving with a slope to the ground is not more than 30 degrees.
The cleaning lady also called him a ball. She said she saw him when going to work — he flew over the forest. The ball then fell, then rose and him in the woods the noises were coming from. She reacted to the phenomenon calmly.
Translated by «Yandex.Translator»
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