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UFO. Belarus

ID #1571053548
Added Mon, 14/10/2019
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
13.08.1991 23:55
Белый Берег

Junior Sergeant of extended service A. SEMEIKO:

The scene is the heart of Belarusian Polesye: Narovlyansky district, Gomel region, the outskirts of the village of White Beach. The duration of the night from 13 to 14 August, midnight.

...It was quiet, warm and deserted. The village of White Beach were moved in search of better lives, left almost everything, and I involuntarily felt at that odd hour that I'm the only living person in the neighborhood...

The route of the militiaman strictly defined. Once again go to the river Slovechna. The water is motionless, the bright stars Shine in it, like in a mirror. Shout away korosteli...

Suddenly, the river reflects a bright beam of light. At first neither surprise nor alarm: not only is it remember like? But suddenly, like lightning, pierces idea: over the head because there are no buildings, no poles with spotlights, where the light then? Not to say that the second thought about UFOs, etc. No, nothing like that I did not come to mind. Just mechanically raised his head. Picked up and... froze. Right over the river silently floated across the sky at low altitude... the ellipse. Eight bright purple lights flashed on its edges, two on the left, right, front and back. Eye catch: the column of light from the river is not reflected, there is still only star. And moving between them eight flashing lights.

Motionless, all eyes are looking for an unusual car. The object is very large in size seventy meters in width, hundreds of meters in length. I want to pinch myself and maybe a dream? But the flashing lights overhead, a feeling of coolness, pulling the face from the river, stop: what is a dream? Here is the sky, the stars, then closed, then open black elliptical body. The same is happening in the river.

Suddenly, the nose of the object flashing two lights, and two vertical red column of light falling on the sand. Moment and again dark, pulsating synchronously flashing lights in the black sky.

After some time at the top of the new lights are on. And again the light falls to the river again and it shows you the smallest details so bright beneath the spotlights.

In the August quiet of the night breaks the distant roar of the engine UAZ, from behind the hill, raises his in the sky the glare of its headlights. And at the same time SOMETHING at the top of the sprints. The speed is such that the object indeed vanishes in the blink of an eye.

Only for light from the sunset sky a vapor trail...

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»


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