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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

Wandering Fire. Belarus

ID #1571834692
Added Wed, 23/10/2019
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
02.1990 18:30

Lately in the press, on radio and television reported a lot of information about unidentified flying objects (UFOs). People naturally show interest in anomalous phenomena. Especially "lucky" to those who had seen a UFO with my own eyes. So, at least according to some residents Molotkovichi.

However, everything in order. To edition in mid-February from the artist-designer of Department of culture of district Executive Committee Alexander Szydłowiec received a letter in which he said that his colleagues along with neighbors watched unidentified flying objects.

Food in Molotkovichi. Alexander Szydłowiec introduced me to "lucky", observed a UFO. He was a foreman of the construction group of the Department of culture of district Executive Committee Vladimir Tweety.

– That evening I was preparing my bike for trips to kindergarten for children, - says Vladimir. – Lifting his head, suddenly noticed a mile away glowing ball of impressive size, which was moving at high speed. Bowl shape was correct. Then the balloon hovered over the hill that towered at the edge of the forest.

He called his wife Elena, and she, in turn, neighbors Irina Konstantinovna Konuk and Galina Lokun. What was going on and watched together. Suddenly there were five small balls and started something incredible. Bright balls of fire began to flash like sound to light, while respecting the precedence constraints. Then they began to make any abrupt movements. Word on the hill was an intricate dance balls. After that balls of fire came down the hill and again, spasmodic movements was moving along the forest. Finally they suddenly disappeared.

The observers were able to accurately determine the time of the "game" balls. All of the phenomenon lasted 18 hours and 30 minutes to 19 hours 10 minutes.

Together with Alexander Shidlovsky decided to explore the place of "visitation" UFO. A hill with a height of 6-7 meters away stood on the edge of young forests between Molotkovichi and the village of Zalesie. By the way, the balls and watched the residents of this village.

We climbed a hill. Nothing interesting found, in addition to residues from two fires. Only the top of the hill I noticed an interesting detail. The hill came five roads to four forest and one field. Together they are conditionally accounted for the rays of the "stars".

In advance taking a wire and make it a simple frame and studied the hill. The most "active" effect on the frame has made a point located ten meters East of the summit. The more we find out nothing is possible.

I think that the testimony of witnesses also can not be discounted. Your observations and stories of people we have sent to the Minsk group for the study of anomalous phenomena.

By the way, in the Department of radio information of our newspaper group is also created, which will help the citizens of Minsk. It has entered the workers of a sanstantion, lovers of enterprises Kuzlitmash.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»


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