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UFO. Belarus

ID #1571836493
Added Wed, 23/10/2019
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 

Validating with the nickname Rammstein writes:

In the army, had seen a UFO all part of the village near Lyakhavichy, Brest region. in Summer about 22-... high in the sky appeared three triangle located between them is also a triangle, each triangle consisted of three luminous multi-colored dots. The object hung motionless in the sky and with the approach of dawn, one of the triangles has shifted over the horizon over the forest and disappeared, the other two remained hanging until the afternoon. I want to note that our part was the radio and gave out radio waves for defense.

Well, I watched only the soldiers-sergeants, it was the middle of August, beginning of September, after lights out, one of the soldiers ran into the barracks and yelled UFO!!! Anyone not moved, and who polyubopytnee went to see. I too once did not believe, and I went to see it with the thought that miracles do not happen only after some of the back. I became so interested that for about two hours I cocked his head and looked and looked. But since nothing new was never to happen, people gradually began to disperse I again got up in the middle of the night and before dawn.

Why nothing was done.

Is seen only soldiers and sergeants on the night of the left is always only one duty officer, and he has no one to report to. Well, this morning comes another part of life, the bus arrives with the officers and the day is painted on minutes, shorter than I was. The day was very Sunny and cloudless, the objects on the background of bright blue sky became difficult to see but quite clear and distinct.

Recall that the triangles were positioned in the sky is a triangle.

I almost forgot after this incident the next day, in this place high in the sky on the debt hung the helicopter in a few hours it was replaced by another. That's basically all I can explain.

The airship would be like if you were sound, and if I'm under the airship, as a rule, there is a cabin below this object there was nothing, he was completely streamlined the entire and correct form, dark grey.

Above said that it experienced some kind of object. Personally, I unaware why push the object over the part of the air defense carrier clock alert.

I have two suggestions or it was really a UFO or one of the objects of the reconnaissance NATO.

I remember back then, like Ljahovichsky local newspaper wrote a couple of articles that a resident so-and-so observed so -, resident, etc...

I do not quite understand you, but the triangles were the right shape, and stood apart, too, right triangle, difficult to describe, he would draw, even in what turn they were.

The color of the triangles were three, red, green, yellow, (I'll be true just remember not to thoroughly but may have been in one of colors blue), the colors were bright enough.

Year I pointed out, look how the name of the newspaper I don't remember so much time has already passed and not read I remember someone from colleagues has brought her a note with the remark that not only we saw something not normal.

If three of the nail fold pyramid and even slightly increase and it will turn out.

Is the size of one object, distance between objects was two and a half fist.

The Feeling Was...!!! Something new and not understandable, hard to describe. Innovations a, breathtaking and a rush of adrenaline, the feeling of joy was still as if I'm on the verge of something that is about something is about to happen. Even though I'm a seasoned witness is not open and I separated from him by distance thinner webs.

No, just remember the newspaper was! Can date progress look. I served 88-90 years.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»


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