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UFO. Belarus

ID #1572609173
Added Fri, 01/11/2019
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
24.12.1982 19:30
озеро Черное

This message, as the article was written by the author Nicholas Sinkevich, raziskave former military pilot. We can't guarantee the authenticity of the story, because the case has not been tested "UFO Committee". Below are only directly the published text:

"It occurred on December 24, 1982, between 19.30 and 19.45 hours. I landed on the MiG-21 and was in the area of the Black lake. And then visually find the object that comes towards me. A huge black mass oval shape with a line of lights along the perimeter. The aircraft equipment it did not fix my on-Board radar was at that moment off. But ground radar have not seen my request, they said nothing.

So, in that moment my plane was in position over the Black lake. And the unknown object I found for large transport aircraft, which also comes in for a landing. To make room for it I quickly completed the turn to the landing pattern. And felt it hanging over me. After the landing gear (about 20 km to the airport) somewhere in the heart of Beloozersk I saw next to me on the left, about five meters from the cabin, a white spotlight aimed down at the ground. The height at the time was about 1800 meters. The beam rested on the ground. And on the ground from that height (!) were clearly visible even the reeds growing along the Yaselda. The beam was white and felt very tight, like a dagger. Object accompanied me to the height of 600 m. At the moment we have already reached the police post on "a Sweatshirt", and the ray disappeared.

After I landed, I was approached by technology, and wanted to know if I had seen the object flying towards me over the airfield in the direction of on may day. Behind him stretched the three plumes, kind of like jet from the nozzle. But this object I have seen.

At the same time except for me UFO have recorded four more of our crew, but in a different place. Major Nicholas Lubenchenko even tried to follow him, it is unknown whether "my", or other similar object. His MiG-21 at that moment was at the height of 3400-3500 m,, the UFO was the altitude of 5000-5500 m. the Object in fractions of a second gained altitude of 10,000 m and at great speed disappeared. This object was seen by our visual observation posts on the border with Poland. It is still unknown, it was one object or several.

- What do you think it could be?

- In my opinion, this is a flying machine heavier than air with other principles of movement. And I think, owned by an entire civilisation.

- What feelings do you experience when meeting with UFOs?

- I understood what was going on only on earth. Initially, I mistook it for the plane.

But, again, in that time, no other aircraft in a given area, our ground radar is not fixed.

- If you spotlight your aircraft was sent to earth, would be able to consider the reeds?

- No, compared to the UFO beam light airborne searchlight is not as strong and concentrated. From height of 1800 m it would have dissipated and the earth I saw nothing".

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
Not enough information

Rocket launches (from

  • Site: Baikonur (Tyuratam, NIIP-5, GIK-5), Tyuratam (USSR / Russia) Vehicle: Proton-K Blok-DM Payload: Raduga (12) (Gran 22L)


Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
Not enough information


The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
Not enough information

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