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UFO. Belarus

ID #1572613418
Added Fri, 01/11/2019
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
14.04.2001 23:00
Стародорожский лес
Минская область

Place of observation - the forest of Staryja Darohi, Minsk region. The night from 14 to 15 April 2001. Around 23.00.

Igor L. and his friend Alexander late in the evening walked up the road along the forest in search of his friends.

Suddenly, for some unknown reason, became as light as day. Turning, both saw above the treetops, two luminous ball with a diameter 3-4 times times less than the diameter of the moon. They were the light source. Literally after a few seconds, the orbs disappeared as suddenly as it had appeared. The light disappeared, too, at that instant, as it disappears when you turn off the light in the room.

After discussing what he saw, Igor and Alexander continued to search for their "own", which was a success. In the end, after a while, the tipsy company of eight people were returning home. Was uneven, so not all lucky enough to see another "miracle." Now, out on the road, but in the middle of the forest, Igor repeatedly witnessed the extraordinary phenomenon directly above the forest, as suddenly as the first time, "there was" a ball of fire, bringing with it all the hallmarks of previous appearances. Only now he was alone, but the truth, not just "hung"!

After his appearance, he began to move in a straight line. Flying a bit, the Orb vanished into thin air, "taking" him for daylight.

And just for that night, Igor watched the above phenomenon, three or four times, but told only the most well remembered.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»


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