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UFO. Belarus

ID #1573120927
Added Thu, 07/11/2019
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
Солигорское водохранилище

Last visit to Soligorsk in the penultimate weekend of June to refresh your memory of the event almost 11 years ago. Scrolling through the arrival of your fishing diary, said the date of that incident - the night of the 20th of September 21, 1995. We spent the night then with a friend on the Bank of the Soligorsk reservoir near the village, a small Village near the railway bridge. It was a moonless night, but after midnight the sky suddenly, out of nowhere (maybe after the clouds cleared?), a large ball of fiery colors. It hung over the forest on the opposite shore. First was solid, then he started to separate smaller balls that flew around and once again flew together. This went on for several hours. Then the wind caught the clouds, and they hid an unidentified object...

Why I suddenly remembered about it?

For starters, here is the story of Sergey Lyashenko, living outside of Soligorsk in the area repeater towers. The place is quite deserted: all around the forest, near the cemetery and the city dump. In General, all contribute to the emergence of various anomalies. The events of the story are approximately the same age as mine.

...Fascinated by the collection of beetles, Sergey with the friend did not notice over the forest fireball. In daylight it is clearly visible craters like the moon. After some time, the globe was divided into two unequal parts, one of them with sound bombs flew down, but not before reaching the ground, disappeared. What was the second guys didn't know — in fear began to run...

About those old events could be forgotten (which I actually did), but the fact that they periodically remind myself again. Here is a sample story of a love Mihnovets, living on a small farm (note: again, in a lonely place) at the Soligorsk reservoir dam near the village of Starobin. In August 2003, every night for weeks over the forest in the area of children's camp "Green forest" could be seen hanging over the horizon, a bright Orb the size of a full moon. As seen in 10x binoculars could see into his proper form and running around the edges of lights of different colors. On a clear night a UFO was seen in ball form and in a cloudy — in the form of light spots. An object once changed his position, leaning to the South-West, but then returned to its original place. The residents of the village seriously believe that not far from the camp "Green forest" is the base of the UFO, as similar phenomena are observed there on a regular basis.

About unidentified fireballs you can tell other people Starobina. Some even wanted to call in Slutsk in the military part, "in order to get rid of unwanted UFO". Have seen I am describing the object and the local fishermen. The big bright ball is clearly visible from the dam reservoir: it hangs or over the forest or over water. In principle, not bothering anyone, and nobody touches it.

Oh, wait. I remembered now another story, quite a long time, but due to regularly observed events, has not lost its relevance.

It occurred with the ordinary schoolboy, the inhabitant of Soligorsk district. Although the most common he was before he was abducted by aliens. Yes, it was perceived the sudden disappearance of the boy and the same sudden appearance of a few weeks. This case was written by the local press. Unfortunately, those publications, and the name of the boy to find so far failed.

But in Starobin appeared his "brother in mind" - Maxim Murashkin. Local residents believe that he contacts the aliens. Contact with people of high strong guy, however, is not. This is understandable: if that will tell who else will believe?

Don't know about you, I may have believed. It is enough to remember the sleepless September night in 1995. Is not forgotten...

In preparing this material, I called the Soligorsk to the editors of regional Newspapers. My colleague Pavel Martynenko remembered how about a year ago in edition "Soligorsk Bulletin", where then worked Paul, came is a little weird man. The reason he had some very ordinary, but in the meantime the visitor a secret (still do not print!) told about his meeting with UFOs. It happened, however, already in the city, and the flying object was more like a concrete slab than a fireball. But pokrasnevshie, he headed in the direction of Soligorsk reservoir...

Could be aliens (or is it someone else?) in these parts? Some believe that it is directly linked to the activities of PE "Belaruskaliy". Maybe aliens are interested in any unclaimed chemicals or something? Meanwhile, in the near future I'm going again to go to Soligorsk. And be sure to spend the night on the shore of the reservoir. If you're lucky, maybe something will be removed. Yet not a single photo of the UFO were unable to find them. However, I was kindly offered a photo of a tornado - a sort of tornado that was spotted all in the same place on Monday, June 19. Interestingly, the media about this phenomenon is not reported...

In General, Solarshine is what surprised and without UFO. Even a lot of seen the famous film Director Vladimir Yankovsky, who filmed the clips of Philip Kirkorov, was just amazed at the surreal landscape that appeared before his eyes in the area of the salt dumps of the 3rd mine. It was decided to make a video for Valery Kipelov, former soloist of the famous Russian band "Aria" not in Egypt, as planned earlier, namely, in Soligorsk.

And talking about strange and unexplained phenomena Soligorsky I plan to soon continue. After all, they were noticed not only in the air but also in water. So to be continued...

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»


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