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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

UFO. Belarus

ID #1573128733
Added Thu, 07/11/2019
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
Старые Дороги

An eyewitness interviewed by R. Linnik

The tape recording and translated into electronic form I. Butov

We found in the starodorozhsky district (see also information about other anomalies in this point of the Republic on our site) witness the stunning and unusual phenomena, which, in our opinion, there is simply no analogues in Belarus!

Vladimir Rusakov told about seeing two huge, changing its shape of objects, hanging over the forest. About the nature of the strange glowing formations observable in the evening sky, it is hard to say for sure. It is better to give the floor to the witness.

- Tell us, when did this happen?

It happened approximately eight years ago, in 1993... Yes, that was the end of August 93. We all sat at home while on the street he heard the surprised screams. I ran out and immediately collided nose to nose with his friend, who was riding a Bicycle. Gesticulating animatedly, he said that close over the forest, some strange wheels and balls are hanging... In General, all came to see. And here's where, as usual, hung the moon (Vladimir pointed his finger to heaven).

- Where?

Somewhere in the North. And here, above the stop closer to the forest and hung the same ball as the moon. Almost a copy of it. And he never changed his form remained stationary (the First encountered version - halo - then disappeared!).

- Do not move?

Yes. How would two moons. But the second balloon was a little smaller.

And this second balloon was above or below the moon?

A little lower. And here is a typical detail that distinguishes it from the moon. He was a bright, bright yellow. But the side of it, right, in the sky there was a third object. He constantly changed his form, becoming, in the post, then into a ball, then into a triangle. Kept coming back to him, twisted and changed colour.

- Color? Can you clarify which?

Red, green, blue, mostly, in my opinion, three colors.

- Tell me, what height he was when he was turned into a pillar?

Huge! When I looked at him, he seemed to be in three human growth. And that's when hung over the forest. That is close to, he was no less than a five-storey building! But then, after he stretched a pole, his back again then was tapered and he became a square, round, triangular. And it changed color... And from the rays which proceeded in different directions. As spotlights.

- I mean, the color depended on the form?

No. In any form - any color. But just before the end I was not able to grow. It was scary and the further, the worse. And then someone else is rumor that they will eat us all... And all I went home.

But at least someone stayed and watched to the end?

Yeah, no, it seems that all went...

PS Then Vladimir remembered that at the same time, the fields of Staradarozhchyny people have seen black balls that rolled across the field. Rode, rode, was ukcialis. At last he insisted strongly! A few shepherds were told that they miss swept balls, two meters in diameter!! Swept and disappeared... no More information about Ghost "balls" no. And very interesting would be to know - who else has witnessed this Ghost field phenomenon... The more we do not recall anything even remotely similar!

PS: a Possible explanation: the halos.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence


Halo usually appears around the Sun or moon, sometimes around other powerful light sources such as street lights. There are many types of halos, but they are mostly caused by ice crystals in Cirrus clouds at a height of 5-10 km in the upper troposphere. The form of the observed halo depends on the shape and arrangement of crystals. Reflected and refracted by the ice crystals, the light often turns into a spectrum, which makes halo look like a rainbow, but a halo in low light has a low chroma, which is associated with the peculiarities of twilight vision.


Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
Not enough information


The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
Not enough information

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