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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

UFO. Belarus

ID #1573202661
Added Fri, 08/11/2019
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 

Interviewed Maxim Hojnacki, "UFO Committee"

But even more unique and rich in details is the third case, which occurred in the capital of Belarus, but in February 1993.

The time was close to midnight, but Lyudmila Ilinichna could not sleep. Going to the window, she suddenly high in the sky I saw a green glow sometimes. Knowing something firsthand about "flying saucers", it took the phenomenon to them. I would like to note that the stars in the sky were not enough, the moon did not exist, and here and there were visible small cloud.

Then, the eyewitness said aloud to herself, "I wish I had". In a few minutes, the glow intensified, and there was a strange ringing. The light grew stronger, the room became as bright as day, and the sound became unbearable. And this is understandable: the object has been falling.

The woman lives on the first floor of an ordinary five-story building, and after a couple of minutes in the window appeared translucent green ball with the diameter of the window frame. Lyudmila Ilinichna had already managed to go to bed, which was located 3 metres from the window opening. The woman was terrified. She disappeared under the covers and said aloud: "Better not". The glow and the sound disappeared immediately (recall from "Another proof that UFO - devils").

The "anomalia" is over, but soon found three additional witnesses of extraordinary accident. With the first witness of the above, the witness met at a local market when she learned that Lyudmila Ilinichna lives in the same house, were asked about who lives on the first floor. The woman did because I recently saw the balloon descending to the first floor, and she would like to talk about it with the residents of the apartment.

Then Lyudmila Ilinichna did not want to admit to their residence in the "anomalous apartment" and first witness "history". The name of the second witness, unfortunately, also failed to install.

But the third observer was a resident of the fifth floor of the same building. She's also ready to confirm that he saw the green ball, first down to the window on the first floor, and then abruptly darting into.

I note also that the ball passed through the branches of trees in front of the house without damaging them, and the following year they bloomed without any anomalies.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»


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