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UFO. Australia

ID #1599232518
Added Fri, 04/09/2020
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
пустыня Танами

Three very educated and qualified people: one geophysicist; two geologists, all engaged in mineral exploration and mapping, employed by a mining company in Tennant Creek operating in the Tanami desert. One of the witnesses has since become a member of Parliament west australia.

Landmarks-Granite and Rabbit flats North edge.

During the observation, we were in an area called " Station Mongrel downs, near the border with Western Australia. While observing, we stopped our two all-terrain vehicles at a place known as Three Officers Hill, which is several hundred feet high on flat terrain that stretches for hundreds of miles.

We saw 2 UFOs of the same size with pulsing flames or yellowish lights flashing from under the "exhaust" about a second between each flash, the distance was only about 300 yards (270 m) from our position at about eye level with a height above ground level of only a few hundred. legs.

They seemed to be on a " Sunday afternoon cruise." UFOs flying at a low speed, maybe 50 miles per hour, were visible until they disappeared over the horizon, it took them a minute to pass our position and disappear.

The appearance of the UFO is circular, with a cabin at the top, with portholes visible with both pulsing flames and flashing lights at intervals of about 1 second in size, according to my friend T., our geophysicist, with a diameter of about thirty feet (9.1 m). The color was silver, these cars were silent, there was no exhaust, but the exhaust pipe under them was flashing every second.

From our position, we were looking North, the UFOs were flying from West to East at low speed and low altitude, so we had a wonderful view of the objects in the shape of a circle.

The atmospheric phenomena were typical for winter days in the Northern territory, the time was about 15: 00, the sun was right behind us, and there were no clouds in the sky, visibility was about 20 miles.

The UFOs flew at low speed and maintained this slow speed and low altitude, maybe 500 yards (450 m) above ground level, despite the time it took to fly over our position in a circle. They walked one after the other.

The motion of the UFO flying in front seemed to vibrate, while the other following it moved smoothly, perhaps in a glide stream (was the front one broken ???)

A few days later, we returned, called Mongrel Downs station and informed the owners of these events.

The owner of Mongrel Downs station informed us that a few months earlier, strange lights were seen coming from the place where we were late at night.

They informed the Darwin civil aviation Department of the incident and we contacted RAAF officers for details and were subsequently formally informed:

"Surveyors worked in this area ("this is nonsense. In those days, surveyors could not work at night, except that any human species walking in this very remote area was known, and permission to stay on the site was requested by the owner").

The government's explanations were all nonsense, Diane. I remember this event as if it happened just yesterday.

They are among us watching the bloody mess we are creating on our beautiful planet.

If you draw a line between the us submarine base at Exmouth Bay in Western Australia and the us base at pine Gap in Alice springs, you would understand that this was an approximate line along which the spacecraft were moving.

Almost immediately after our observation, I bought a book by Bruce Cathy, "Harmonic ECT", and in his book there are photos of these pieces, some of which were absolutely identical to what we saw that Sunny day in the Northern territory of the Tanami desert in the Mongrel desert in mid-August 1970.

Original news

Three very highly educated and qualified people:

One Geophysicist; Two Geologists, all involved in Mineral Exploration and Mapping, employed by a mining company in Tennant Creek working in the Tanami Desert. One of the witnesses has since gone on to become a member of parliament in Western Australia.

Land marks – Granite & Rabbit Flats Northern territory.

At the time of the sighting we were on a property called Mongrel Downs Station close to the western Australian boarder. At the time of the sighting we stopped our two land rovers at a location known as the Three Officers Hill, which are several hundred feet high in an otherwise flat landscape for virtually hundreds of miles.

We saw 2 UFOs same design size with pulsing flame or lights yellowish flashing from underneath “exhaust” at about a second between each flash the distance was about only 300 yards from our position at about eye level with an above ground level altitude of only several hundred feet.

It appeared as if they were on a “Sunday afternoon cruise” the UFOs traveling at slow speed maybe 50 miles per hour were visible until they disappeared across the horizon they took a good minute or to to pass our position and disappear.


Circular with a cabin on top with portholes both visible both with pulsing flame/light flashing at about 1 second intervals the size according to my friend T our Geophysicist about thirty feet in diameter. The colour was silver the machines were silent and no exhaust smoke but the underneath exhaust flashed about each second.

From our position we were looking north the UFOs were traveling west to east at low speed and low altitude, therefore we had a remarkable dress circle view of the objects.

The atmospherics was a typical Northern Territory winters day, the time was about 3.00 p.m the sun was just to the back of us, not a cloud in the sky visibility about 20 miles.

The UFOs were traveling at a slow speed and maintained that slow speed and low altitude maybe for 500 yards above ground level despite the time it took to pass over our dress circle position. They traveled one behind another.

The motion of the UFO traveling ahead appeared to be vibrating at the front the other following close behind in smooth motion perhaps in the slip stream (was the front one wounded???)

Several days latter we returned from our bush location and called into Mongrel Downs Station and informed the owners of these events.

The owner of Mongrel Downs Station informed us that several months earlier strange lights were observed coming from the area we had been in late one evening

They informed the Department of Civil Aviation Darwin of the happenings and we called on R.A.A.F Officers for details and were subsequently and officially informed “Surveyors were working in the area (“That’s Bollocks’). In those days surveyors could not work at night besides any human species wondering around that ultra remote area would be known and permission to be on the property would be sought by the owner.

The Government explanation was a load of bull Diane. I remember this event as though it happened just yesterday.

They are among us observing the bloody mess we are making of our beautiful planet.

Food for thought.

For example should you draw a line between the US submarine base at Exmouth Gulf of Western Australia and the US base at Pine Gape in Alice Springs one could maybe construed that was the approximate line those space vehicles were traveling on ???.

Almost immediately after our sighting I purchased Bruce Cathy’s book Harmonic ECT and in his book he has pictures of these things, some were absolutely identical to what we saw on that sunny afternoon at Mongrel Downs Station Tanami Desert Northern Territory mid August 1970.


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
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Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
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The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
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