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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

Chronorally. Canada

ID #1599842723
Added Fri, 11/09/2020
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 

The main witness and some others were on an isolated road on an incredibly clear night. There were four people in the car.

Her husband, who was driving, the witness sat in the middle, and her friend Yvonne sat near the passenger window. Another friend, Darryl, was lying in the backseat, dozing. 

Yvonne was looking up at the sky when she saw two rather bright objects that seemed to be chasing each other. She pointed at them. They all started looking at objects (they woke Darryl up). 

The objects were clearly disk-shaped and made no discernible sound. The objects seemed to be playing with each other and performing impossible maneuvers. 

One of the items flew away very quickly. It's as if it completely left our known universe or solar system in an instant. As it sped away, the witness could feel it inside her body (perhaps a low-frequency sound wave that can be felt but not heard?). The other ship remained in the area.

At this point, the witness could "hear" her conversation with the aliens, and she told them that she had heard about them, and that some of them were good and some of them were bad, and wondered what they were like.

She heard clearly:

«Not worry. We're just here to watch." 

She thought:

"All right, watch us, and we'll keep an eye on you." 

Then it dropped just above the level of the treetops and matched the speed of their car. She could see the outline of the trees in the ship's light. It was clearly a saucer-shaped object, and it was spinning. There was no sound, even though it was so close now, but she could "feel" it inside her body again.

At this point, the witness's conscious memory ends. The next thing she remembers is when they approach the next city and the sun rises. At this time, all of them did not sleep at all. 

There wasn't enough time, at least a few hours. The witness suffered from nightmares after the incident

Original news

Date:  Fall 1971
Location:  Northern Ontario, Canada, exact location not given
Time: 0200A
Summary: The main witness and some others were on an isolated road on an incredibly clear night. There were four people in the car. Her husband who was driving, the witness was sitting in the middle and her friend Yvonne was sitting beside the passenger window. Another friend, Darryl, was laying on the back seat taking a nap. Yvonne was watching the sky when she saw two objects that were quite bright and seemed to be chasing each other. She pointed them out. All of them started to watch the objects (they woke Darryl up). The objects were clearly disc-shaped and made no discernable sound. The objects seemed to be playing tag with each other and performed impossible maneuvers. One of the objects left very quickly. It was as if it had completely left our known universe, or solar system, in an instant. When it sped off, the witness could feel it inside her body (perhaps a low frequency sound wave that can be felt but not heard?). The other craft stayed in the area. At this point the witness could “hear” herself talking with the occupants and she told them that she had heard about them and that some of them are good and some of them were bad and wondered what kind they were. She clearly heard, “Don’t worry. We’re just here to watch.” She thought back, “Okay, you watch us and we’ll watch you.” It then came down to just above treetop level and matched their car speed. She could see the outline of the trees against the light of the craft. It was clearly a saucer shaped object and it was spinning. There was no sound, even though it was now so close, but again she could she could “feel” it inside her body. At that point the witness conscious memory picks up when they are approaching the next town and the sun is coming up. At this time they were all quite awake. There was some missing time, at the minimum several hours. The witness suffered from nightmares after the incident
Source: Para Researchers Ontario Canada


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
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Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
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The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
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