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UFO. Chile

ID #1601286032
Added Mon, 28/09/2020
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 

The pursuit took place in the area of Punta arenas (Chile) and was reportedly captured in several photos.

According to the organization UFO Noise Patagonia, the Honda, driven by an adult man (whose identity was not disclosed), was chased by a UFO on the morning of June 27 this year, when he was heading towards Punta arenas in Chile.

Patricio Frias, Director of the said organization, noted that the incident occurred when the car crossed the Rubens sector, located on the 180 kilometer of highway 9. The driver looked to the Southeast-the territory of Argentina - and was able to see a very bright light in the sky, which descended in a matter of minutes, positioned at the same level as the driver, chasing him.

The witness, a Chilean national from Puerto Natales, claimed to have photographed the UFO while it was escorting it for almost 100 kilometers, during which the driver felt very stressed.

As soon as he reached Punta arenas, the driver contacted the Director of UFO Noise Patagonia. This organization was established in Puerto Natales in 1996 and is engaged in the study of all manifestations of the UFO phenomenon, from observations to contact with extraterrestrial beings.

Frias added that the object moved very quickly, constantly changing its position and height. At the beginning of the car chase, the light seemed spherical, and then radically changed and took the shape of a cigar.

 This is not the only case reported in this region bordering Argentine Patagonia.

Original news

Source: PLANETA UFO (Argentina)

Date: 09.27.20

 Chile: 100 Kilometer Car Chase Involved UFO

 The pursuit took place in the Punta Arenas (Chile) region and was reportedly captured in several photographs.

 According to the UFO Noise Patagonia organization, a Honda driven by an adult male (whose identity was kept confidential) was pursued by a UFO on the morning of June 27th of this year as it headed toward Punta Arenas in Chilean territory.

 Patricio Frias, the director of said organization, noted that that the incident occurred when the car crossed the Rubens sector, located at Kilometer 180 of Route 9. The driver looked toward the southeast - Argentinean territory - and was able to see a very bright light in the sky which descended in a matter of minutes, placing itself at the same level as the driver, chasing him.

 The experiencer - a Chilean national from Puerto Natales, claimed having taken photographs of the UFO as it accompanied him for nearly 100 kilometers, during which the driver felt very tense.

 As soon as he reached Punta Arenas, the driver contacted the director of UFO Noise Patagonia. This organization was created in Puerto Natales in 1996 and undertakes the study of all manifestations of the UFO phenomenon, ranging from sightings to contact with alien beings.

 Frias added that the object traveled very quickly, constantly varying its position and elevation. At the start of the car chase, the light appeared spherical before making a radical change and becoming cigar-shaped.

 This is not the only case recorded in this region bordering Argentinean Patagonia.


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
Not enough information


Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
Not enough information


The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
Not enough information

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