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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

UFO. Spain

ID #1603113283
Added Mon, 19/10/2020
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
11.1976 22:00

The one I saw in Spain was very different. It's funny, at that time I was really looking for answers and only talked to the smartest people I could find. I thought I had all the answers to life from start to finish. My roommate had a master's degree and didn't believe in my UFOs at all. I talked to him about what I had seen and shared my beliefs with him. He thought I was crazy, but I told him that one day he would see one and that he would think of me when he saw it ...

Well, he and I were going to the airport at the base to get something to eat, and I noticed a UFO, pulled off the road, and watched it fly overhead ... I asked him if it was a weather balloon ... NO ... it was a helicopter… No... IT was a jet plane… NO.. It could not be confused with anything other than UFOs....  

It moved from the South, as from Africa to the North. Very high in the sky. Clear night sky without clouds. I didn't hear a sound from him. And it was moving North as fast as a jet, but all the way in a Z-pattern. All the time we watched, it went from East to West until it was out of range.

Mostly flat, and I would say it moved 40 miles from East to West in seconds, creating this Z-image about 20 times and moving North at the speed of a jet or faster. I'm saying that if it was moving in a straight line, I'm not sure we would even see it, because it was moving so fast.

We saw it for about 1 minute, maybe a little longer. When it was in the East and West, it never slowed down to change direction, it was very sharp like traffic, always moving North. There were no flashing lights, just a bright single ship.

Original news

The one I saw in Spain was quite different. It is funny, at that time in my life I was really searching for answers and I was only communication with the most intelligent people I could find. I thought I had all the answers to life from start to finish. My roommate had his master’s degree and was totally a non believer in my UFO’s. I talked with him about what I had seen and shared my beliefs with him, He thought I was crazy but I told him that one day he would see one and that he would think of me when he did..

Well he and I were going to the airport on base to get something to eat and I spotted a UFO and pulled my car off the road and watched it as it went overhead…I asked him if it was a weather balloon..NO…was it a helicopter…NO…was it a jet…NO..There was no mistaken it for anything other than a UFO….  

It was moving from the south like from Africa to the north. Very high in the sky, like miles up..Clear night sky no clouds. I didn’t hear any sound from it. And it was moving north as fast as a jet but in a Z pattern the whole way. It would go from East to West the whole time we watched till it was out of range.

Mostly flat lands and I would say that it was moving 40 miles from East to West in seconds making this Z pattern about 20 times and moving North at the speed of a jet or faster… I am saying that if it had of been moving in a straight line I am not sure that we would of even seen it because it was moving so fast..We saw it for about 1 min. maybe little longer.. When it was at the East and West it never slowed down to change direction it was very sharp like movement, always moving towards the North. Seen no flashing lights just a bright single craft.


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