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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

UFO. Canada

ID #1603624323
Added Sun, 25/10/2020
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
08.1977 23:30
Скарборо, ON

I did have an observation in August. I think it was August, because it was very, very hot, and it was 1977 at 23: 30 in Scarborough, Ontario, near York mills road and Roywood Drive. 

My sister and I went for a walk at 23:30 and about 5 minutes later, when we were in a small Park, when we saw the UFO, it was right above us. Yes, there was a saucer-shaped UFO right above us with beautiful colors like orange, green, red, etc.

There were many panels at the bottom of the ship, and each panel had its own color. We stood there in fear as a military helicopter flew by, as if they didn't even see it or were trying to get a better look at it, and Yes, it was huge, but magnificent.

 Then all of a sudden it flew straight up into the air with a strange wind noise, and when it got high, it just seemed to miss the plane, then zigzagged, moving up very, very fast. then the speed shot to the left and disappeared, almost like catching me, if playful behavior is possible. 

If you ask me, he was moving pretty damn fast. I'm not sure how long it took or how it crept up on us, but time seemed to move very, very slowly. I ran home to call the police and they asked me questions, like how much alcohol or drugs I had taken. 

Of course not, but 20 minutes after my call, the air force literally flew over this sky, and they say it was a balloon, in no case was it a UFO sighting. 

I also had other sightings and they say it was a balloon, in no way was it a UFO sighting.

I also had other sightings of Toronto, Ontario, again on the same ship 5 years later, again sneaking up on me and many others from a longer distance and on multiple ships at the same time . 

Original news

Date: August 1977
Location: Scarborough Ontario 
Time: 11:30 p.m.
Summary: I did have a sighting back in August I think it was August as it was very, very hot and the year I think was 1977 at 11:30 p.m. in Scarborough, Ontario around York Mills Road and Roywood Drive. My sister and I went out for a walk at 11:30 p.m. and about 5 minutes later as we were in the small park that was when we saw the UFO, it was right on top of us. Yes right on top of us was a saucer shaped UFO with great colours like orange, green, red etc.. The bottom of the craft had many panels, and on each panel had a colour. We stood there in awe as a military helicopter went right by it, as if they didn’t even see it, or was trying to take a better look, and yes it was huge, but magnificent. Then all of a sudden, it went straight up in the air with just a strange kind of a wind noise, and as it went up high it seemed to just miss an airplane, then a zig zag while moving upward at a very, very fast speed then darted left and was gone, almost like a catch me if you can playful behavior. It moved pretty darn fast if you ask me. I am not sure how long all of this took or how it snuck up on us, but time seemed to be moving very, very slowly. I ran back home to call the police and they asked me questions, like how much alcohol or drugs did I take. Of course none, then within 20 minutes after my call the air force was all over that sky literally, and they are saying it was an air balloon no way it was a UFO sighting. I have also had other sightings all in Toronto, Ontario again with the same craft at 5 years later, again sneaking up on me and many others from a farther distance and more than one craft at a time.
Source: Brian Vike’s UFO Files.


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