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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

UFO. United Kingdom

ID #1604144257
Added Sat, 31/10/2020
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
14.04.1978 23:20
United Kingdom

I waited 40 years to reveal this observation because I thought people would think I was nuts. 

This event occurred a week before two police officers chased a UFO down the M53 motorway in Wirral, Merseyside. At this time I was working at Lucas Girling in Bromborough. I was a CNC machinist. Among other things, we made brake systems for the French SNCF high-speed train. 

That day I worked from 15 to 23 hours. I finished work at 23: 00 and left the factory at about 23: 15. I gave my colleague a ride home because he lived on the same street as me. 

I was driving along Allport road, Bromborough, at about 23: 20. it Was a dark night, but without clouds, I could see the stars in the sky. As we drove along Allport road, I noticed that the sky seemed to be a huge blackness, obscuring the surrounding stars. I stopped the car and my colleague and I went out to see it. 

In fact, it was a huge black disk blocking out the starlight, but the edge of the disk was bordered by lights. It wasn't a plane landing at Liverpool airport, because the thing was almost stationary, it just seemed to be crawling. I felt the hair on the back of my neck stand on end. Rod and I jumped in my car and drove home as fast as we could.

We both knew what we saw, but I think it was also a case of denial. Who will believe us? People might think we're a couple of idiots. We didn't even discuss it among ourselves. But over the years, I firmly believe that we are not alone. I think we are being watched, studied. At worst, we may be like a small amount of bacteria in a Petri dish.

Original news

Date: April 14 1978
Location: Liverpool, England
Time: approx 11:20pm.
Summary: I’ve waited 40 years to reveal this sighting because I thought people would think I was nuts. This event happened the week before two police officers chased a UFO down the M53 motorway on the Wirral, Merseyside. At this particular time I was working at Lucas Girling in Bromborough. I was a CNC machinist. We made braking systems for the french SNCF high speed train amongst others. That afternoon I was working a 3pm to 11pm shift. I finished work at 11pm and left the factory at approx 11:15pm. I was giving a colleague of mine a lift home because he lived in the same street as me. I was driving down Allport Road, Bromborough at approx 11:20pm. It was a dark night but cloud free, I could see the stars in the sky. As we travelled down Allport Road I noticed that there seemed to be a huge blackness in the sky blocking out surrounding stars. I stopped the car and both my colleague and I got out to observe this. Basically it was a huge black disc blocking out the starlight but the edge of the disc was edged with lights. It wasn’t a plane coming into land at Liverpool Airport because this thing was almost stationary but it just seemed to be creeping along. I felt the hair rise on the back of my neck. Rod and I jumped back in my car and sped off home ASAP. We both knew what we had seen but I think it was also a case of denial. Who would believe us? People would think we are a pair of idiots. We didn’t even discuss it between ourselves. But as the years have passed I firmly believe we are not alone. I think we are being observed, studied. worst case scenario is that in the scheme of things we could be like a small amount of bacteria in a petri dish.
Source: MUFON


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