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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

UFO. Argentina

ID #1604652710
Added Fri, 06/11/2020
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
23.09.1978 03:00
пересечение трассы №3 и дороги на Карденаль-Кальеро, в 30 км к северу от города Кармен-де-Патагонес

On August 17, 1978, Carlos Acevedo and Hugo Prambs left the city of Buenos Aires aboard a Citroen GS 1220 as part of the first stage of the rally of South America. On September 16 at Bariloche, Hugo Prambs was forced to withdraw from the race for personal reasons, and was replaced by Miguel angel Moya. 

At midnight on the 23rd, we stopped for refueling in Viedme, having collected about 50 liters of fuel and drinking coffee. At about 03:00, as they were approaching the city of Carmen de Patagones, Carlos Acevedo was sitting in the driver's seat when he suddenly saw a powerful bright light that was reflected in the rearview mirror. It was a very thick yellowish light. 

At first it was just a dot on the mirror, but it began to grow larger, seeming to get closer. At the time, they were both driving at about 100 km per hour, but the light quickly approached them, which made the men think it was one of the newest car models in the race. Acevedo then decided to slow down his Citroen and pulled over to let the faster " car " pass. As the light continued to rapidly approach, the interior of their car suddenly filled with light.

At this point, Acevedo seemed to lose control of the car. Looking out the window, he was stunned to see that the car was hovering about 2 meters above the paved road. He immediately thought that they had hit some "bump" in the road and the car had flown away, and waited for it to hit the road again. But incredibly, the car continued to "fly" through the air and apparently gain altitude at a higher altitude. At that moment, Acevedo screamed and looked out the window, but he couldn't see anything else, everything was surrounded by bright yellow light, he couldn't even see the control panel, and he couldn't see Moya sitting next to him.

Meanwhile, Moya continued to sit in his seat, paralyzed with fear, unable to speak or move, and felt enveloped in a "thick" yellow light that prevented him from even seeing his hands or feet. Then both men lost all sense of time, and a few moments later they felt the impact, and they were back on the road again. At the same time, the yellow light seemed to stop their car on the side of the road. 

Suddenly, both men saw the yellowish oval-shaped light receding to the West and disappearing into the distance. Moya felt numb and heavy pressure on his chest, and it took him a while to recover, he even had some difficulty breathing.

The men sat quietly for a few moments, then finally started the car and continued North on highway 3.the Men noticed several inconsistencies in the odometer readings that indicated a shorter travel distance than what actually happened. Fuel was also completely used up.

Another racing crew, the Chilean team, also reported similar phenomena using their car's instruments and visible temporal and spatial dislocations.

Original news

On August 17, 1978, Carlos Acevedo and Hugo Prambs had left the city of Buenos Aires on board a Citroen GS 1220 as part of the first leg on the South America Rally Race. On September 16 in Bariloche, Hugo Prambs had to abandon the race due to personal matters and was replaced by Miguel Angel Moya. Midnight on the 23rd they stopped to refuel in Viedma, taking in approximately 50 liters of fuel and then drinking coffee. At around 0300A as they approached the city of Carmen de Patagones Carlos Acevedo was on the driver’s seat when suddenly he observed a powerful brilliant light that reflected on the rearview mirror. It was a very dense yellowish light. At first, it was just a dot on the mirror but it began to grow larger, seemingly approaching. They were both traveling at about 100km an hour at the time, but the light quickly approached them which made the men think that it was one of the newer model vehicles in the race. Acevedo then decided to slow his Citroen and pulled off to the side of the road to let the faster “vehicle” pass. As the light continued its fast approach suddenly the interior of their vehicle was filled with light. It was a brilliant yellowish light with violet tints which made it impossible for the men to see beyond the hood of the car.

At that moment Acevedo seemed to lose control of the car, looking out the window he was stunned to see that the vehicle floated at about 2 meters above the asphalt road. He immediately thought they had hit some type of “bump” on the road and the vehicle had gone flying and waited for it to fall back down on the road. But incredibly the vehicle continued “flying” through the air, and apparently ascending at a higher altitude. At this moment Acevedo screamed and looked out the window but he could no longer see anything, everything was surrounded in a brilliant yellow light, indeed he couldn’t even see the control panel and could not see Moya sitting next to him.

In the meantime Moya remained sitting in his seat paralyzed with fear unable to speak or move, he felt enveloped in “thick” yellow light which prevented him from even seeing his hands or feet. Both men then lost all notion of time and several moments later felt a bump and they were back on the road again. At the same time, the yellow light seemed to their vehicle was now stopped on the side of the road. Suddenly both men saw the yellowish oval-shaped light shoot away towards the west and vanish into the distance. Moya felt a numb and strong pressure on his chest and took him some time to recover, he even had some difficulty in breathing.

The men sat quietly for a few moments then finally started the vehicle and continue on to the north on Route 3. The men noticed several inconsistencies with their odometer which indicated a shorter distance of traveling than what really transpired; also the fuel had been totally exhausted. Another race crew, a Chilean team also reported similar phenomena with their vehicle instruments and apparent time and place dislocations.


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
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Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
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The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
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