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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

Mermaid. Canada

ID #1607266139
Added Sun, 06/12/2020
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 

This is the first sighting of a real mermaid in Canada off the Cape Brenton (an island off the coast of Nova Scotia), which was even published in the local newspaper Cape Brooklyn Eagle Newspaper. He says: 

"The fishermen of Gabarus, Cape Breton, were excited by the appearance of the mermaid… The face, head, shoulders, and arms looked human, but the lower limbs looked like fish. The back of his head was covered with long dark hair like a horse's mane. The hands were human-shaped, except that the fingers of one hand were very long. The color of the skin was not different from that of a human."

August 1886-Dr. Karl schucker, Cape Breton, Canada.

This case is also mentioned by zoologist Dr. Karl Schuker on his website . Message from the Cape Brooklyn Eagle newspaper in August, 1886, reads as follows:

"While Mr Bagnall, accompanied by several fishermen, was in the boat, they noticed what they thought was a corpse floating on the surface of the water a few yards away. As they approached it to bring it ashore, they noticed that it was moving, when, to their great surprise, it turned in a sitting position, looked at them, and disappeared.

A few moments after [,] he appeared on the surface and looked at them again, then completely disappeared. The face, head, shoulders, and arms looked human, but the lower limbs looked like fish. The back of his head was covered with long dark hair like a horse's mane. The hands were human-shaped, except that the fingers of one hand were very long. The skin color was no different from a human's. There is no doubt that the mysterious stranger is the so-called mermaid, and she was the first to be seen in the waters of Cape Breton."

Original news


This is the first real mermaid sighting in Canada off Cap Brenton ( an island off the coast of Nova Scotia) which was even featured in the local paper called Cape Brooklyn Eagle Newspaper. It says: 

“The fishermen of Gabarus, Cape Breton have been excited over the appearances of a mermaid…The face, head, shoulders, and arms resembled those of a human being, but the lower extremities had the appearance of a fish. The back of its head was covered with long, dark hair resembling a horse’s mane. The arms were shaped like a human being’s, except that the fingers of one hand were very long. The color of the skin was not unlike that of a human being.”

August 1886 – Dr. Karl ShukerCape Breton, Canada

This case is also referenced by zoologist Dr. Karl Shuker on his website. The report comes from the Cape Brooklyn Eagle newspaper in August 1886 and reads:

“While Mr. Bagnall, accompanied by several fishermen, was out in a boat, they observed floating on the surface of the water a few yards from the boat what they supposed to be a corpse. Approaching it for the purpose of taking it ashore, they observed it to move, when to their great surprise, it turned around in a sitting position and looked at them and disappeared.

A few moments after[,] it appeared on the surface and again looked toward them, after which it disappeared altogether. The face, head, shoulders and arms resembled those of a human being, but the lower extremities had the appearance of a fish. The back of its head was covered with long, dark hair resembling a horse’s mane. The arms were shaped like a human being’s, except that the fingers of one hand were very long. The color of the skin was not unlike that of a human being. There is no doubt, that the mysterious stranger is what is known as a mermaid, and the first one ever seen in Cape Breton waters.”


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
Not enough information


Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
Not enough information


The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
Not enough information

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