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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

UFO. Australia

ID #1607784831
Added Sat, 12/12/2020
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
12.1984 20:30
Хексхэм NSW

One December morning between Christmas and New year's day in December 1984, Mr. and Mrs. L. we were standing in a tent in the Ponderosa Caravan Park. This Park is located East of the Pacific highway in Hexham, New South Wales, near the Hexham bridge over the hunter river (32° 49 ' 47 "SW, 151° 41' 39 " WD).

At about 02:30, she was woken up by L. he was standing outside their tent and told her:

"Stick your head out here and see what you think of this party."

When she came out of the tent, she saw a large cigar-shaped object with a bright white light in front, which was very slowly approaching them from the entrance to the caravan Park (moving from West-southwest to East). to the northeast). The front light seemed larger than the full moon and illuminated the entire caravan Park. MS L is not sure about the actual size of the objects - "bigger than a bus" - probably 20-25 meters long.

The cigar had side Windows. They seemed closed and the same gray color as the rest of the object.

About five minutes later, three small disk-shaped objects (3-4 meters in diameter) flew into view, moving towards the object. They were travelling very fast ("lightning"), a zig-zag going up to the cigar of a larger size. Each disc was gray, but had a patch of orange or rust color closer to the back of the disc body, in front of the tail fin.

One of the disks was located behind the cigar, and the other two were located on either side of the cigar. Soon after, the two discs on either side of the cigar swapped places, transforming into the back of the cigar, this time

once after the third disk. 

The disks flew in such a formation behind the cigar, so that it seemed that it had a "tail".

Ms. L. said she saw something like a shadow or the outline of a helmeted head on one of the smaller disks, but was a little unsure about it.

At the first observation, the cigar was at about a 45-degree angle from where it was standing. It moved to a position almost overhead and was quite low - she estimated the objects to be 60-90 meters (200-300 feet) high. The cigar made a low, wavering humming sound that rose and fell. It appears to be heading towards Williamtown air force base, about 13.5 km to the East.

Ms. L. did not stay outside and see the objects disappear from view. Her husband became concerned, and they returned

sleep in a tent. MS L said she was still awake and told her husband:

"What's the use of lying down, I'm not tired." 

However, she said:

"Next thing, Bang, I fell asleep right away."

After this observation, Ms. L. read as much UFO material as she could find and tried to find out more.

Original news

Cigar-shaped UFO and three small discs at Hexham, December 1984

One December morning between Christmas Day and New Year in December 1984, Mr and Mrs L were camping in a tent at the Ponderosa Caravan Park. This park is situated just east of the Pacific Highway at Hexham NSW, near the Hexham Bridge across the Hunter River (32° 49′ 47″ S, l5l° 41′ 39″ E).

At about 0230 hours Mr L woke her up. He was standing outside their tent and said to her ‘put your head out here and see what you think of this lot’.

On going outside of the tent she observed a large, cigar-shaped object with a brilliant white light at the front it was coming towards them very slowly from the direction of the caravan park entrance (travelling from the west-south-west to east-north-east). The front light seemed larger than the full moon and lit up all of the caravan park. Mrs L is uncertain of the objects actual size – ‘bigger than a bus’ – probably 20-25 meters long.

The cigar had windows along the side. These seemed to be , closed’ and the same grey color as the rest of the object.

About five minutes later, three small disc-shaped objects (3-4 meters across) flew into view moving towards the object. They traveled very quickly (‘like lightning’), zigzagging to join the larger cigar. Each disc was grey, but showed an orange or rust-colored area towards the rear of the disk body, before a tail fin.

One of the discs stationed itself at the rear of the cigar and the other two stationed themselves either side of the cigar (see diagram). Shortly afterwards, the two discs either side of the cigar swapped sides, reforming at the back of the cigar, this
time behind the third disc. The discs flew in this formation behind the cigar, so that it looked as if it had ‘a tail’.

Mrs L said that she saw what seemed to be a shadow or outline of a head with a helmet on in one of the smaller discs, but is a little unsure of this.

When first observed, the cigar was approximately at a 45 degree angle from where she was standing. It moved to a position almost overhead and was quite low – she estimated the objects to be 60-90 meters high (‘200.-300 feet). The cigar was emitting a low, fluctuating humming noise, which rose and fell in pitch. It seemed to be travelling towards the Williamtown Air Force Base, some 13.5 km to the east.

Mrs L did not stay outside to see the objects move out of sight. Her husband became concerned, so they went back to
bed inside the tent. Mrs L said that she was still wide awake and stated to her husband ‘What’s the use of me lying down, I’ m not tired’. However, she said ‘the next thing, bang, I went straight to sleep’.

Since this sighting Mrs L has read as much UFO material as she can find, and has been trying to find out more.


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
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Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
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The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
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