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UFO. Canada

ID #1608901203
Added Fri, 25/12/2020
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
11.01.1992 01:15
Актон, ON

I experienced a close encounter of the first kind. 

Large black deltas (they looked like narrow isosceles triangles) with round red lights in each of the corners of the ship; There were three of them, flying very low, they floated at an altitude of about 200 feet (660 m) in the form of a Delta. The boats gave off a slight humming (electrokinetic drive?) sound and moved very slowly. 

The color of the ships ' hulls was dark against the perfectly clear night sky - they looked like hulls of light black or dark gray. 

We saw them for at least 2 minutes, flying / hovering / hovering right above us, and then just moving on, it seemed almost incredibly slow. 

These three spaceships flew directly over our position on earth. crafts did not stop. we watched how they float/fly away into the distance. There was a local quarry in the immediate vicinity and on their way, so they were probably on an appraisal mission? 

It was Saturday, January 11/12, early Sunday morning, 1: 15 am 1992. At the time, I was with another friend and his dog. location Acton, Ontario, Canada (Northwest of Toronto for 60 minutes) latitude, longitude: (45.1510532655634, -79.398193359375) there was no Internet or microphone, which we knew about back in the early 90s, so we kept quiet and figured it was some kind of invisible military operation. 

It wasn't until the Internet came out in 1996 that I started researching and discovered that large black deltas had been spotted all over the earth, and I knew it wasn't the internal military operation we witnessed that early morning. I'm just curious to know if anyone else has seen these 3 spaceships hovering over this very early on this extremely clear and starry night.

Original news

Date:  January 11|12 1992
Location:  Acton, Ontario
Time:  01:15:00
Summary:  I experienced a close encounter of the first kind. big black deltas (they looked like narrow isosceles triangles) with round red lights in each of the craft’s respective corners; there were three of them at a very low-level fly over, floating about 200′ in a delta formation. the crafts made a slight humming (electrokinetic drive?) sound and moved very slowly. the color of craft’s hulls was dark against the completely clear night sky – they looked like light black or dark gray colored hulls. we saw them for at least 2 minutes, they flew/floated/hovered right over us and then simply moved on, almost incredibly slowly it seemed. these three space crafts flew directly overhead of our position on the ground. the crafts did not stop. we watched them float/hover off into the distance. there was a local quarry in the exact vicinity and on their course, so they were probably on an evaluation mission? that was saturday jan 11th/12th early sunday morning, 1:15 am 1992. i was with 1 other friend and his dog at the time. location acton, ontario canada (north-west of toronto by 60 mins) latitude, longitude: (45.1510532655634, -79.398193359375) there was no internet or mufon that we were aware of back in the early 90s, so we kept our mouths shut and figured it was some stealth military operation. it wasn’t until the onset of the internet in 1996 that i started to explore and discovered big black deltas have been seen all over the earth, that i knew it was not a domestic military operation we witnessed that early morning. i am simply curious to know if anyone else saw those 3 space crafts hovering over se acton early that extremely clear and star lit night.
Source:  MUFON


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