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UFO. United Kingdom

ID #1609704360
Added Sun, 03/01/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
15.06.1993 00:00
United Kingdom

Viewed from a distance of 200/300 yards with a rifle telescope, it was very close and could not be one of our own. I'm not sure of the exact date and time.

My older brother, two friends, and I were on shooting trips that sometimes started at dusk and lasted all night until dawn. From time to time, we invariably tried to get some sleep in the front yard while one or the other watched us.

It was a very clear night, absolutely cloudless, and I estimated (very roughly) that we could see the plane at a distance of 5-10 miles. 

I was sleeping in the backseat when my brother woke me up:

"Stuart, it's a UFO again-look!" 

I woke up half expecting some kind of prank - the guys were out last night when I wasn't there, and they were chatting about seeing a UFO, which I dismissed with "Oh, really!» relationship. 

As I looked out the left-hand window and headed for the forestry commission site, I saw a round-shaped light rising directly above what appeared to be the forest. 

I immediately tried to rationalize what I was seeing - I rolled down the window to prevent any glass interference, but it was still there, but stopped and just hung in the sky at about 40/50 degrees from the ground relative to me. I estimated that the object was 300 yards away. 

I asked my older brother to tell me what it was because I really couldn't identify it. He said it was a UFO. I yelled at him - I know it's a UFO, but what is it? 

"It's a UFO," he protested. 

I tried my best to figure it out - could it be a helicopter, but there was no noise and I could only see the object, not the helicopter or anything else near it. Maybe it was light projected from the ground - no, because the circle wasn't just light, it had a physical presence (and I may not be able to describe it well) a kind of texture - it was definitely something real, not just light.

By then, I knew that my friends couldn't repeat it even if they were in fact. I started with awe, and then remembered that we have rifles with a telescopic sight, so I removed the mines-equipped with a powerful 6X42 sight and began to study it. 

I was able to identify a circular physical shape, a bright luminescent shape, with a poorly defined band around the center, but little else could be identified. I must have studied this object for 3 or 4 minutes at a distance of about 300 yards and no higher than 200/300 feet. All the time I was trying to figure out what it was. 

So far, it was rising vertically and quite slowly, and then it stopped. I knew that helicopters and jumping jets could do it, but at this distance I expected to hear something. There was no wind to interfere with the sound. The ship then moved from its hovering position from right to left. 

It was moving fast at an incredible speed, but it stopped instantly. I know we have fast planes, but I doubt anything can demonstrate that level of acceleration, and it stopped instantly, like immediately from any speed to zero. I drove only 200/300 yards and stopped behind, but over the corner tree where the two fields meet, still off the ground, but very close. 

I shouted, " Did you see that?"and of course everyone did. We had the nightlights themselves - these are lamps with a power of a million candles, and my brother suggested "lighting", for example, turning on the lamp and pointing it at the object. It wasn't to increase his opinion - it wasn't necessary - it was more to provoke him or somehow connect with him.

Behind and below the ship, on the horizon, I could see a plane with the usual navigation lights heading in our general direction. If the plane, which was supposed to be 5/10 miles away, continued to move in our direction (a common place with planes regularly flying over us at normal altitude), then it would approach the bright object, although the object was still about 200/300 feet away.

We watched through the scope and with the naked eye, and the ship just hovered. You could detect some activity, like flickering / vibrating, but it didn't move. 

The plane kept coming, and we watched, stunned by the encounter, and we couldn't wait to see what, if anything, would happen as the plane flew over the object. When the plane moved a few miles away, the object moved again. It flew up to the left and stopped again instantly. Then he literally accelerated from zero to disappear on the second course to the left and further away from us. Its flight speed was instantaneous, for example, almost in the blink of an eye. 

I'm not sure of the exact dates and times, but a day or two after we arrived, a morning TV program showed a report about fishermen in Cornwall who had captured a UFO on video. Although I know that this video was subsequently refuted or downplayed, I can say that the object we saw resembled what was captured on the video. 

To say that this event made an impression on me - we wanted to go check out the forest from which the object rose, but were scared without our rifles, and the ground from which it rose was not ours. I've told a lot of people about it and met with a lot of ridicule, but I'm a very logical person in my 40s, my brother and his friends are about 10 years older, and the eldest was a businessman who retired. 

I would have given a lot of money to have a video camera instead of our rifles that night. For several weeks, I tried to assess what I saw and whether there were other possible explanations. For the reasons given below, I am still convinced that what I saw was either a very specialized and stunning new aircraft that we have not yet made public and have not made public in the 10 years since, or the object was not made by man.

1] I believe that the object demonstrated intelligence in that it moved vertically and then horizontally with amazing acceleration and deceleration (i.e. stopped instantly).

2] I saw the object clearly and saw even better with a telescope.

3] I'm used to seeing British fighters training at ground level where I've been fishing, and when they move, they make a huge rumble that can be heard for miles, let alone 200/300 yards.

4] I had a lot of time to learn it.

5] My brother received military training and participated in piloting drones, etc., as well as in aircraft recognition.

Overall, I don't know what it was, but I'm still fascinated by what it could have been. Hopefully this will help anyone who studies these events.

Original news

Date:  June 15 1993
Location: Peebles UK/Scotland
Time: 03:20
Summary: Viewed at 200/300 yards using a rifle telescope it was very close and could not have been one of ours I am not sure on the actual date and time. My elder brother, 2 friends and I were out shooting which on occasions would start at dusk and last all night until just after dawn. We invariably tried to get some sleep in the FWD from time to time whilst one or the other would keep watch. It was a very clear night, absolutely no cloud and I estimate ( very roughly ) that we could see aircraft as far away as 5/10 miles. I was sleeping in the back seat when my brother woke me “Stewart it’s the UFO again – Look !”. I woke up half expecting some prank or another – the guys had been out the previous night when I was not there and had babbled on about seeing a UFO which I had dismissed with a “Oh Really!” attitude. When I looked out of my left window and forward towards the forestry commision ground I saw a circular shaped light/ vehicle rise straight up from what appeared to be the forest. I immediately tried to rationalise what I was seeing – I rolled down the window to stop any glass interference but it was still there but had stopped and just hung in the sky at about a 40/50 degree elevation from the ground in relation to me. I would estimate that this object was within 300 yards of us. I asked my elder brother to tell me what it was as I was really at a loss to identify it. He said it was the UFO. I screamed at him – I know it’s a UFO but what is it ? “Its a UFO” he said rather infuriatingly. As hard as I could I struggled to reason this one out – could it be a helicopter with a night lamp – but there was no noise and I could see only the object not any helicopter or anything else near it. Could it be a light projected from the ground – no because the circle was not just light it had a physical presence ( and I may not be describing this well ) a sort of texture – It was definitely something real not just a light.

I knew by this time that with the best will in the world my friends could not be replicating this. I started at it in awe and then remembered we had the scoped rifles so I took mines out – equipped with a powerful 6X42 scope and started to study it. I could determine a circular physical shape , bright luminescent , with a ill defined banding around the center but little else could be identified. I must have studied this object for 3 or 4 minutes at about 300 yards and no higher than 200/300 ft. All the time I was trying to figure out what it was. So far it has risen vertically and quite slowly and then stopped. I knew Helicopters could do this and harrier jump jets but at that distance I would have expected to hear something. There was no wind to block sound. The craft then moved from it’s hover position from my right to my left. It moved quickly with incredible speed but stopped instantly. I know we have fast aircraft but I doubt anything can demonstrate this level of acceleration and it came to an instant stop eg from whatever speed to zero instantly. I had only travelled about 200/300 yards and stopped behind but above the corner tree where the two fields meet, still off our ground but only just off. I shouted did you see that and of course they all did. We had the night lamps ourselves – these are million candle power lamps and it was suggested by my brother to “Lamp It” eg switch on the lamp and aim it at the object. This was not to increase the view of it – that was not necessary – it was more to provoke it or communicate with it in some way. The eldest chap there did not want us to do this – he was very nervous of what he was seeing and did not want the thing to come any closer that it already was.

Behind and below the craft on the horizon I could see an aircraft with its normal navigation lighting heading in our general direction. If the aircraft which must have been 5/10 miles away continued in our direction ( Common site with aeroplanes passing over us at normal height regularly) then it would come close to the bright object albeit the object was still only at about 200/300 ft off the ground. We watched , me through the scope and using the naked eye and the craft just hovered. You could determine some activity eg shimmer/vibration but in was not moving. The Aeroplane continued to approach and we stared , transfixed by this encounter and eager to see what if anything was going to happen as the aircraft was on course to fly over the object. When the aircraft was a few miles distant the object moved again. It shot upwards to the left and stopped instantly again. Then it literally accelerated from zero to disappear in a second heading left and away from us. It’s speed of departing was instant eg almost in the blink of an eye. I am not sure of the actual dates and times however within a day or two of our sighting the morning TV programme showed a report on fishermen in cornwall having captured a UFO on video. Whilst I know that video was subsequently disproved or belittled what I can say is that the object we saw resembled what they caught on video. To say the event had an effect on me – we wanted to go check out the woods where the object rose from but were frightened to without our rifles and the ground it rose from was not ours. I told a lot of people about this and met with a lot of ridicule but I am a very logical person in my early 40’s , my brother and his friends are about 10 years older and the eldest was a business man who had retired. I would have given a lot of money to have a video camera that night instead of our rifles. For weeks I tried and tried evaluate what I had seen and were there any other possible explanations. For the reasons given below I remain convinced to this day that what I was seeing was either a very specialised and earth shattering new aircraft of ours as yet not made public and has not been made public in the 10 years since or that the object was not man made.

1] I believe the object demonstrated intelligence in that it moved vertically then horizontally with amazing acceleration and deceleration ( well instantly stopping ).

2] I had a clear site of the object and even better through my telescope.

3] I am used to seeing british fighters at ground level practising where I used to fish and when they move they make an enormous racket that you can hear for miles let alone 200/300 yards.

4] I had a significant amount of time to study it.

5] My brother is army trained and was involved in flying drones etc as well as aircraft recognition.

Overall I do not know what it was but it still fascinates me as to what it could have been. I hope this helps anyone who studies these events.


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