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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

UFO. Australia

ID #1610375718
Added Mon, 11/01/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
07.1994 04:30
Мельбурн VIC

Four women driving northwest of the city experienced a series of UFO encounters, including seeing oblong lights that moved parallel to the road before disappearing behind trees.

A few minutes later, they noticed a spherical object making random maneuvers. The object was surrounded by a blue haze and had amazing flashing lights like strobe lights. He briefly followed them in the car. 

Moments later, they were startled to see a huge blinding orange light covering the entire width of the road and hovering directly above their car. The driver accelerated to get away from the object.

Soon they stopped the car outside the hotel in search of help. 

One of the women got out of the car and saw a huge diamond-shaped ship hovering directly above them, emitting an orange light from its undercarriage. She saw something like writing or ciphers on the tail of the object. The object also made a steady humming, humming sound. Then the ship disappeared behind the trees. 

The four witnesses then drove up to a nearby house and noticed bright white lights hovering overhead. Then, a dark figure in the shape of a man appeared next to a huge pine tree, it was dark, and very few details could be seen. The witnesses then drove away from the scene and were briefly followed by an orange-lit object that made a sharp right-angle turn, crossed the road and disappeared. 

All four witnesses reported a lack of time, and all reported suffering from nosebleeds, headaches, memory lapses, and electrostatic discharges.

Original news

Date: July 1994
Location: Near Melbourne, Australia
Time: 0430 A
Summary: Four women driving northwest of the city experienced a series of UFO encounters including seeing oblong shaped lights that traveled parallel to the road before disappearing behind trees. Minutes later they observed a spherical object performing erratic maneuvers. The object was encased in a blue haze and had amazing strobe-like flashing lights; it briefly followed their vehicle. Moments later they were terrified to see a huge blinding orange light covering the width of the road and hovering just above their car. The driver accelerated in order to get away from the object. They soon stopped the car near a hotel to look for help. One of the women exited the car and saw hovering directly above them, a huge diamond-shaped craft beaming orange light from its undercarriage. She saw what appeared to be writing or ciphers on the object’s tail section. The object also made a steady droning, humming sound. The craft then disappeared behind some trees. The four witnesses then drove to a nearby house and noticed bright white lights hovering overhead. Then next to a huge pine tree a shadowy human-shaped figure appeared, it was dark and very little detail was seen. The witnesses then drove away from the area and were followed briefly by an orange-lit object, which turned sharply at right angles, moved across the road, and vanished. A period of missing time was reported by all four witnesses and they all reported suffering from nosebleeds, headaches, memory lapses and electrostatic shocks.
Source: Nexus Magazine Feb/Mar 1995


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
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Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
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The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
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