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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

UFO. United Kingdom

ID #1610885493
Added Sun, 17/01/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
07.03.1999 04:30
United Kingdom

A very bright orange object in the clear night sky almost exactly north of my location and 20 degrees from the horizon was moving very slowly to my right and seemed to have what I can only describe as a halo around it or smaller lights rotating around it very quickly of course. 

After five or six minutes, it turned from orange to white and seemed to close up like a camera lens, or quickly move away from me. It was too far away for me to tell. 

I'm not crazy and I'm not looking for fame and I report exactly what I saw. The stars used to twinkle in the dark sky, and I used to see them every clear morning because I always have to get up at 4 a.m. to go to work. 

As for the size of the object, I can only speculate, but I would say that since it was apparently some distance away from my location, it was at least ten times the size of the largest star I could see. 

I didn't dare bring my video camera, binoculars, or camera in case they disappeared while I was taking them out of my office. 

If I see something like this again, I'll quickly grab my binoculars and camera and risk losing sight of what it was. 

Duration of observation: 5-6 minutes

Original news

Date:   March 7 1999
Location:  Christchurch, Dorset England
Time:   04:30
Summary:  Very bright orange object in clear night sky at almost exactly due north from my location and 20 degrees from the horizon moved very slowly to my right and appeared to have what I can only describe as a halo around it or smaller lights rotating around it very quickly indeed. After five or six minutes it turned from orange to white and seemed to close like a camera lense, or rapidly move away from me. It was too far away for me to tell. I am not a crackpot or looking for fame in any way and am reporting exactly what I saw. There were the usual stars twinkling in the dark sky and I am used to seeing them every clear morning because I always have to get up at 4am to go to work. As for the size of the object I can only hazard a guess but I would say that as it was apparently some distance away from my position, it was at least ten times larger than the largest star I could see. I hesitated to fetch my video camera, binoculars or still camera in case it disappeared whilst I was getting them from my study. If I see anything like it again I shall make haste to get my binoculars and camera and risk losing sight of whatever it is. Duration: 5-6mins
Source:  National UFO Reporting Center


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