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UFO. Germany

ID #1610886412
Added Sun, 17/01/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
1962 00

It happened when I was in the 4th grade. I'm 46 now. My father was a non-commissioned officer in the U.S. Army at the NATO base in Baumholder, and I lived with him. I'm sure this story won't do you any good other than curiosity, but I've never written it down or shared it with anyone before.

It was a very clear, bright day. There was no haze, no clouds. After lunch, I was in between classes. My friend and I were looking out of the classroom window at the city of Baumholder. I noticed a rather bright object approaching the school.

It curved moving from the north-northwest, heading to the southwest. Because of its arc, I could see its port and starboard sides at different times, as well as the bottom. There was no way to measure the height, so I couldn't tell you what its size was. Similarly, he couldn't estimate the speed, although he didn't seem to be in any hurry.

At first we thought it was a plane. We started joking about the Russians (remember where I was, and that it was 1962). As it approached, almost over the school, I began to realize that it wasn't an airplane and that I'd never seen anything like it before. We gradually fell silent and stopped joking.

It had wings, tail feathers, or markings. It left no trace of steam and had no exhaust. I didn't see anything that pointed to the engine, the cabin, or the windows. For His Young Life (Army Brat) I've seen a lot of planes and helicopters. It wasn't a plane or a helicopter. It was not a blimp or balloon or kite or the gyrocopter or the droid. It didn't make any noise that I could hear. It looked quite graceful.

It was long, but cut very cleanly and sharply at both ends. Its lines were exceptionally well defined. It seemed seamless. It didn't seem metallic. It didn't seem to reflect the sun. It had a very strange dim, dirty-white glow, not bright, but very even and uniform.

Original news

Date:   March 15 1999
Location:  Baumholder Germany
Time:  12:00
Summary:  This happened when I was in the 4th Grade. I’m now 46. My father was an NCO in the U.S. Army stationed at the NATO base in Baumholder, and I was his dependent. I’m sure this story is of little use to you save as a curiosity at this point, but I’ve never written it down or reported it to anyone prior to this. This was a very clear, bright day. There were not haze or clouds. I was between classes after lunch. A friend and I were looking out the class window over the town of Baumholder. I observed a rather bright object coming towards the school. It was curving in from what must have been the NNW heading towards the SW. Because of its arc I was able to see at different times its port and starboard sides as well as it’s bottom. There was no way to gauge altitude, so I couldn’t tell you what its size was. Likewise, couldn’t estimate speed, although it seemed to be in no hurry. We thought at first that it was an airplane. We began to joke about the Russians (remember where I was, and that it was 1962). As it came closer, nearly overhead the school, I began to realize that it was not a plane and that I had never seen anything like it before. We gradually became silent with out joking. It had no wings, empennage, or markings. It made no vapor trail and had no exhaust. I saw nothing to suggest an engine, cockpit, or windows. I’d seen a lot of planes and helicopters in my young life (Army brat). It was not a plane or helicopter. Neither was it a blimp, balloon, kite, gyrocopter, or droid. It made no noise that I could hear. It seemed quite graceful. It looked like nothing so much as a flying fluorescent light. It was long, but cut off very cleanly and abruptly on both of its ends. It’s lines were exceptionally well-defined. It seemed seamless. It did not seem metallic. It did not seem to reflect the sun. It had a very curious dull, off-white, glow to it, not bright, but very steady and uniform. It looked as if someone h
Source:  National UFO Reporting Center


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
Not enough information


Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials

Not very clear date-1962 or 1999?


The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
Not enough information

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