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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

UFO. Netherlands

ID #1611559360
Added Mon, 25/01/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
24.01.2021 23:56

An eyewitness from the city of Roosendaal (North Brabant region) writes:

9 balls in the sky. They lingered and disappeared after 2-3 seconds in the air.

Location: Roosendaal, North Brabant.

Time: + -23: 56

Size: unknown.

Color: bright white.

Speed: Slow, but quite unknown.

9 points of light that look out of the window. was observed. No sound. The distance is 300 meters from the house. The photo was taken on a Samsung S20 + with standard photo settings.

The first thought is "wish balloons". The strange thing is that they were delayed and disappeared 1 by 1 for 2-3 seconds to the top at the same speed.

It is unclear how long the points of light were there. The photo could have been taken just in time.

In the opinion of It's a wish balloon/Thai Lantern

Original news

ROOSENDAAL, NB — 9 lichtbollen in de lucht. Ze bleven hangen en verdwenen na 2 a 3 tellen in de luchtruim
Locatie : Roosendaal Noord-Brabant
Tijd : +-23:56
Grootte : onbekend
Kleur: helder wit
Snelheid : langzaam maar eerder onbekend

9 lichtpunten/bollen die bij het uit het raam kijken werden waargenomen. Geen geluid. De afstand gegokt is 300 meter vanaf de woning. Foto is genomen met een Samsung S20+ met standaard foto instellingen.

Eerste gedachte wensballonnen. Vreemde is dat ze bleven hangen en 1 voor 1 in 2 a 3 seconden verdwenen richting naar boven in dezelfde snelheid
Hoe lang ze de lichtpunten er waren is onduidelijk fotos maken lukte net op tijd.

Wensballon / Thaise lampion


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence

Sky Lantern

Sky Lantern (Chinese flashlight, Thai flashlight) - paper flying luminous structure made of rice paper stretched on a light wooden frame, bamboo ring, burner.


Rocket launches (from

  • Site: Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Eastern Test Range, Cape Canaveral, Florida (USA) Vehicle: Falcon-9 v1.2 (Block 5) Payload: Starlink v1.0 R1-1 (Starlink 2199) Starlink v1.0 R1-2 (Starlink 2200) Starlink v1.0 R1-3 (Starlink 2201) Starlink v1.0 R1-4 (Starlink 2202) Starlink v1.0 R1-5 (Starlink 2203) Starlink v1.0 R1-6 (Starlink 2204) Starlink v1.0 R1-7 (Starlink 2205) Starlink v1.0 R1-8 (Starlink 2206) Starlink v1.0 R1-9 (Starlink 2207) Starlink v1.0 R1-10 (Starlink 2208) QPS-SAR 2 (Izanami) Capella 3 (Capella Whitney 1) Capella 4 (Capella Whitney 2) ICEYE X8 ICEYE X9 XR 1 (ICEYE X10) GHGSat C2 (Hugo) Sherpa-FX 1 Hawk 2A Hawk 2B Hawk 2C Astrocast 0101 Astrocast 0102 Astrocast 0103 Astrocast 0104 Astrocast 0105 PTD 1 Prometheus-2 10 ARCE 1A ARCE 1B ARCE 1C ION-SCV 002 (ION-SCV 002 Laurentius, Pulse) Flock-4s 41 (Dove 2427) Flock-4s 42 (Dove 2430) Flock-4s 43 (Dove 2435) Flock-4s 44 (Dove 2440) Flock-4s 45 (Dove 2442) Flock-4s 46 (Dove 2444) Flock-4s 47 (Dove 2456) Flock-4s 48 (Dove 2465) SpaceBEE 64 SpaceBEE 65 SpaceBEE 66 SpaceBEE 67 SpaceBEE 68 SpaceBEE 69 SpaceBEE 70 SpaceBEE 71 SpaceBEE 72 SpaceBEE 73 SpaceBEE 74 SpaceBEE 75 AII-Charlie Hiber 4 ASELSAT PIXL 1 (CubeL) SOMP 2b IDEASSat YUSAT 1 UVSQ-SAT V-R3x 1 (Cora) V-R3x 2 (Petrie) V-R3x 3 (Littlefoot) Flock-4s 1 (Dove 2436) Flock-4s 2 (Dove 2428) Flock-4s 3 (Dove 2433) Flock-4s 4 (Dove 242B) Flock-4s 5 (Dove 2423) Flock-4s 6 (Dove 2455) Flock-4s 7 (Dove 2451) Flock-4s 8 (Dove 2450) Flock-4s 9 (Dove 2447) Flock-4s 10 (Dove 2449) Flock-4s 11 (Dove 2445) Flock-4s 12 (Dove 241A) Flock-4s 13 (Dove 2453) Flock-4s 14 (Dove 241F) Flock-4s 15 (Dove 242F) Flock-4s 16 (Dove 2434) Flock-4s 17 (Dove 2432) Flock-4s 18 (Dove 2421) Flock-4s 19 (Dove 242D) Flock-4s 20 (Dove 2439) Flock-4s 21 (Dove 245C) Flock-4s 22 (Dove 241E) Flock-4s 23 (Dove 245D) Flock-4s 24 (Dove 2431) Flock-4s 25 (Dove 2448) Flock-4s 26 (Dove 245F) Flock-4s 27 (Dove 2457) Flock-4s 28 (Dove 2460) Flock-4s 29 (Dove 2463) Flock-4s 30 (Dove 2459) Flock-4s 31 (Dove 241B) Flock-4s 32 (Dove 245A) Flock-4s 33 (Dove 2420) Flock-4s 34 (Dove 2464) Flock-4s 35 (Dove 242A) Flock-4s 36 (Dove 241D) Flock-4s 37 (Dove 2429) Flock-4s 38 (Dove 245E) Flock-4s 39 (Dove 2458) Flock-4s 40 (Dove 2462) Kepler 8 (Amarok) Kepler 9 (Artemis) Kepler 10 (Baby Yoda) Kepler 11 (Daneel) Kepler 12 (Boba) Kepler 13 (Lucky) Kepler 14 (Stella) Kepler 15 (Sudormrf) SpaceBEE 40 SpaceBEE 41 SpaceBEE 42 SpaceBEE 43 SpaceBEE 44 SpaceBEE 45 SpaceBEE 46 SpaceBEE 47 SpaceBEE 48 SpaceBEE 49 SpaceBEE 50 SpaceBEE 51 SpaceBEE 52 SpaceBEE 53 SpaceBEE 54 SpaceBEE 55 SpaceBEE 56 SpaceBEE 57 SpaceBEE 58 SpaceBEE 59 SpaceBEE 60 SpaceBEE 61 SpaceBEE 62 SpaceBEE 63 Lemur-2 130 (Lemur-2 Chantal) Lemur-2 131 (Lemur-2 JenniferSong) Lemur-2 132 (Lemur-2 NallyWacker) Lemur-2 133 (Lemur-2 Neva) Lemur-2 134 (Lemur-2 NoobNoob) Lemur-2 135 (Lemur-2 Ruairi-Eilidh) Lemur-2 136 (Lemur-2 SaoirseDH5Guo) Lemur-2 137 (Lemur-2 Mango1)


Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials

Based on the appearance of the objects in the photo, they really look very similar to sky lanterns. It is quite possible to agree with this version of the eyewitness and


The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation

Sky Lantern

Sky Lantern (Chinese flashlight, Thai flashlight) - paper flying luminous structure made of rice paper stretched on a light wooden frame, bamboo ring, burner.

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