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UFO. Russia

ID #1611932453
Added Fri, 29/01/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
28.07.1989 23:00
Капустин Яр
Astrakhanskaya oblast

This incident] occurred on July 28, 1989 at a military base near the Kapustin Yar nuclear test site in the Astrakhan region (Caspian Lowland).

It was about midnight when the soldiers of the two army units noticed a UFO that hovered for hours over the arsenal of the base. The KGB files contained handwritten reports of the incident, which were written by 4 witnesses after being interrogated by KGB agents. The report does not say what missiles were in the arsenal or whether there were nuclear warheads.

"I went up to the watchtower and observed the object at an altitude of 18 feet (5.4 m). I could clearly make out a bright blinking signal, bright as a camera flash. The object flew over the stocks of the part and moved in the direction of the missile arsenal at a distance of about 1000 feet (300 m). It hovered just 60 feet (18 m) above the depot. The UFO glowed with a phosphorescent green light. It was a disk with a diameter of 12 to 15 feet (3.6-4.5 m) with a hemispherical dome on it.

As the object hovered over the arsenal, a bright beam appeared on its underside where the light had been flashing before, and drew 2 or 3 circles. The object then moved towards the train station, continuing to blink. Soon, however, he returned to the rocket warehouse and hovered at an altitude of 180-200 ft (54 to 60 m) over it. Two hours after the start of the observation, the object flew in the direction of the city of Akhtubinsk and disappeared from sight ."

- wrote the duty officer on communication V. Voloshin.

And the soldier G. Kulik added:

"Next to the object in the sky, I saw a fireball that rose from the ground and approached it. When the UFO moved towards me, I physically felt its approach. Then he flew up into the sky. I saw a plane trying to approach the object, but the object accelerated so fast that it soon left the plane behind."


From the book by Vladimir Azhazha, Vladimir Isaakovich Zabaykalsky "UFO. The reality and impact"

Report on the observation of an anomalous phenomenon in the area of the city of Kapustin Yar (July 28, 1989).

I report that in the period from 22 hours 12 minutes on July 28, 1989 to 1 hour 30 minutes on July 29, 1989, military personnel (crossed out) The Ministry of Defense of the USSR (military unit (crossed out), the city of Kapustin Yar, Astrakhan region) observed unidentified flying objects in the area of the transmitting center (military unit (crossed out) and the elimination base (crossed out). These parts are located in the steppe, at a distance of 45 and 30 kilometers from the city of Kapustin Yar to the northeast, respectively.

The military personnel of the transmitting center (PDRC) observed a UFO in the period from 22 hours 12 minutes to 23 hours 55 minutes on July 28, 1989. Moreover, as follows from the stories of eyewitnesses, they observed three objects at once at a distance of 3-5 kilometers.

Military personnel of the liquidation base, which is located at a distance of about 15 kilometers from the PDRC, saw a UFO from 23 hours 30 minutes on July 28 to 1 hour 30 minutes on July 29, 1989 from a distance of several kilometers to 300 meters.

According to a survey of witnesses established that inform their external features of the observed UFO coincide and they represent a disk with a diameter of 4-5 meters with a hemisphere at the top, which glowed brightly, moving, sometimes harsh, but silently, sometimes sinking and hovering above the ground at a height of 20-60 feet (more on this is set out in the explanatory witnesses).

Command (crossed out) The Ministry of Defense of the USSR was called from the military unit (crossed out) fighter (Air Force training ground, the city of Akhtubinsk), but he failed to examine the UFO in detail, as he did not allow the plane to approach him at close range, leaving him. The weather conditions at the specified time were favorable for visual observation.


   I, Ensign Voloshin Valery Nikolaevich, report that on July 28, at 23.20, while on duty for communications, I received information from the duty officer at the telegraph center, Captain Chernikov Anatoly Borisovich, that an incomprehensible object, which he called a flying saucer, has been hanging over the military unit (crossed out) for more than an hour. At the same time, Chernikov A. B. explained that he himself received information from Captain Savartsev — the operational duty officer for communications (crossed out). To Swarzewo this information came from (deleted). According to Chernikov A. B., this object was also observed from the PDRC-it is located two kilometers from (crossed out). After that conversation, I called the captain Swarzewo, which confirmed the information and offered to get to higher ground to try to see the object.

   At about 23: 30, I left the structure with Private Tishchaev D. N. and climbed to the first compartment of the antenna tower-6 meters above the ground. The Average Timaev D. N. was next to me. As soon as we climbed the tower, I noticed Private Tishchaev that an object was flying silently towards us from the side (crossed out). Timaev confirmed that he sees it. In the night sky, a blinking, powerful signal resembling a flashbulb was clearly visible. The object flew over a subsidiary farm (about 5 kilometers from the observation site) and headed for the missile weapons depots (about 300 meters from the observation site). Having flown up to the warehouses of the RV (missile weapons. — Ed.), the object hovered over them, then dropped to a height of about 20 meters. Its silhouette was visible in the night sky, and its entire hull radiated a dull green light, like the glow of phosphorus in the dark.

   The object was a disk with a hemisphere on top. The diameter of the disk is approximately 4-5 meters. After the object descended over the RV warehouses, a beam of bright light shone from the spot where the flash was flashing, which ran in a circle, highlighting the edge of one of the structures. I observed two or three turns of the beam, which was clearly visible against the sky and came from the object. However, I did not observe a light spot on the structures and on the ground (although there was such a spot at the time of the beam's illumination). The beam moved for a few seconds, after which the beam disappeared, and the object, continuing to flash, headed towards the residential area. After that, I watched as the object hung over a utility farm, a junction railway station, a concrete factory. Then the object again returned to the warehouses of the RV and hovered over them at a high altitude (about 60-70 meters).

   From that moment on, the object was observed with us by the 1st shift of the guard and the head of the guard. At 01.30, he flew towards the city of Akhtubinsk and disappeared from sight. The flashes on it were non-periodic, as if they were being photographed. The object's movements were also uneven: sometimes fast sideways or vertical, sometimes smooth with hovering. I observed all this for exactly two hours, from 23.30 to 01.30. I can graphically represent the object I am observing in the following form (see Figure 1).


   Note: the beam and the flash came from the same place.


   Communications officer on duty, Ensign (signature) Voloshin. 31.7.89.



   I Timaev Dmitri, with 28.07.89 for 29.07.89, from 23.30 till 01.30, watched by an unidentified object. The communications officer on duty, Ensign Voloshin, came up to me and said that he had received a call and asked if you had anything flying there. And we went out to see what was flying there. At first we didn't see anything, we were about to leave, but from behind the barracks, something was flying in the sky and blinking rapidly. I thought maybe it was a helicopter, but the helicopter could be heard far away, and this object was flying close and low and made no sound or noise. Then he generally hovered in place near the RV-warehouses and began to fumble on the ground, about 5-7 minutes, and hovered above the ground at an altitude of 50-60 meters, this was his constant height, his movements were fast and all at right angles. And when the object illuminated the warehouses, it was a beam. And so this object plied for two hours from the RV-warehouses to the barracks and returned again. But the most important thing is that the object did not make any noise or sound.


   Once it lit itself up, in shape it was something like a lamp, convex, in general, and small lights all over the side.


   31.07.89 (signature) Timaev.

In addition to V. N. Voloshin and D. N. Tishchaev, UFOs were observed from other points and submitted written reports by six more servicemen, as well as the crew of the fighter, which was called from the Air Force training ground from Akhtubinsk.

Original news

Drawing (above) by Ensign Voloshin of UFO with beam seen over a Russian missile base in Kapustin Yar in July 1989. (credit: Hesemann)

Reconstruction of the event published in the Moscow magazine Aura-Z. (credit: Hesemann)

KGB document on the Kapustin Yar case.

This case] occurred on July 28, 1989, at a military base near the nuclear test site of Kapustin Yar in the Astrakhan region (Caspian lowlands).

It was about midnight when members of two army units noticed a UFO which hovered for hours over the arsenal of the base. The KGB files contained the handwritten reports of the sighting, which 4 of the witnesses wrote after being interrogated by agents of the KGB. The report does not say what kind of missiles were in the arsenal, nor whether there had been any nuclear warheads.

“I climbed up to the watchtower and watched the object at a height of 18 feet. I could clearly make out a glaring blinking signal, bright as a camera flash. The object flew over the stores of the unit and moved in the direction of the missile arsenal, about 1,000 feet away. It floated at a height of only 60 feet above the depot. The UFO glowed in a kind of phosphorescent green. It was a disc 12 to 15 feet in diameter with a semi-spherical dome on it.

While the object was hovering above the arsenal, a bright ray appeared on its underside where the light had been flashing before, and drew 2 or 3 circles. Then the object moved towards the railway station, still flashing. Soon, however, it came back to the missile depot and hovered at a height of 180-200 feet above it. Two hours after the start of the sighting, the object flew in the direction of the town Akhtubinsk and disappeared out of our sight,”

wrote the communications officer on duty, V. Voloshin.

And the soldier G. Kulik added: “Near the object in the sky I saw a fireball which arose from the earth and approached it. When the UFO moved towards me, I could physically feel its approach. Then it shot off into the sky. I saw an airplane that attempted to get close to the object, but the object accelerated so fast that it soon left the airplane behind”.


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
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Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
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The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
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