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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

UFO. Australia

ID #1617363112
Added Fri, 02/04/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
Вагга-Вагга NSW

The witness was driving her husband, who had finished work at midnight, and her young daughter from their home in Wagga Wagga to her parents ' house on Jamberu, near Kiama, for the weekend. Shortly after she left Wagga on the Hume Highway with her sleeping husband and baby, a large, brightly glowing UFO in the shape of a disk appeared in the sky in front of her at a distance of about 300-400 meters. 

The object remained in this position until she drove about 120 km. Disappearing as she drove through the cities, and reappearing at the other end of the city. Most of the time it remained relatively still, but sometimes it would fly away at high speed to the left or right, only to return to the same position in a few seconds. The object disappeared north of Goulburn as dawn lit up the sky. He quickly gained altitude and was out of sight in seconds. 

According to the witness, there was no interference with the normal operation of the car, and the traffic intensity that she remembers was normal for that time of the morning. 

Presumably, at one point, he found it very difficult to wake her husband, he looked at the object, muttered "yes, yes" and immediately fell asleep again. Usually on this trip, she would stop at Yassa for an hour-long coffee break and arrive at Jambera at around 7: 7.30 am. 

This time, upon arrival, she was genuinely surprised to find that the trip took 1.5-2 hours longer than usual, even without a break in Yass. 

No subsequent illnesses or marks were seen on the body, and as the witness suspected that there was no abduction at the time, no further investigation was conducted until it was reported to Paradox in 1997.

Original news

Date:  January 5 1998
Location:  Wagga Wagga AUSTRALIA
Summary:  The witness was driving her husband, who finished work at midnight, and her baby daughter from their home in Wagga Wagga to her parent’s home at Jamberoo, near Kiama, for the weekend. Shortly after leaving Wagga on the Hume Hwy with her husband and baby asleep, a large brightly luminous disc shape UFO appeared in the sky ahead of her at an estimated 300-400 metres distance. The object stayed in this position while she drove approx. 120 km., disappearing as she went through towns, and appearing again on the other side of the town. It mostly stayed relatively still but occasionally shot off at great speed to the left or right only to return seconds later to the same position. The object disappeared just north of Goulburn as the dawn was lightening the sky. It rapidly gained altitude until out of sight in seconds. There was no interference with the normal operation of the car, according to the witness and the amount of traffic she remembers was normal for that time of morning. Supposedly after having great difficulty waking her husband at one point, he glanced at the object, mumbled “yeah yeah” and was immediately asleep again. Normally on this trip she would stop at Yass for an hour’s break for coffee and arrive at Jamberoo at about 7- 7.30am. This time, on arrival she was genuinely surprised to find the trip had taken 1.5 to 2 hours longer than normal, even without the break at Yass. No subsequent sickness or body markings were noticed and as the witness suspected no abduction at that time no further investigation was undertaken until reported to Paradox in 1997.


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
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Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
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The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
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