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UFO. Argentina

ID #1618043934
Added Sat, 10/04/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Source date: 
пляж Ла Бальярди

Strange object of La Ballardi beach (Berisso, Argentina). Witness statement by Sandra Antimi.

Hi, good afternoon, band - my name is Sandra Antimi from La Plata, from Pau Central, and well, today I'll tell you about the incident ... in which... my father was involved. Um, I specifically asked Luis [Burgos] if I could share his experience, so thank you, Luis and Nelson, and everyone for giving us this opportunity. 

Um, last year I shared my experience in the city of Berisso during the first marathon held in September, but now there are two reasons why I wanted to talk about the incident with my father.

 He had wanted to share his story with Louis for a long time, to tell him about it, and he always did:

"Take me, take me", and not so long ago I was a member of the band.

[ICOU], well, for all the reasons known to everyone, we couldn't do sky observation or anything like that ... so he waited and waited, saying:

"I want to tell this gentleman what I saw, what happened."

So, even during the sky observations on February 14 that were supposed to take place in Ferrari, which were canceled due to the storm, he was desperate, he wanted to leave. And the second reason is that ... well ... I lost my father. I lost it a month ago, after the day of the storm. Something had happened, something unexpected ... I lost it a few days later, and it's only been about a month.

 So when Louis discussed making the video, I felt the urge, the need to tell his story, because he couldn't do it. 

It also took place in the town of Berisso on the beach of La Ballardi. It was a long time ago and he couldn't remember the year, saying it could have happened between 15 and 20 years ago ... but not less than 15. And ... he left with three other men. That is, three men and himself. 

They had gone camping to spend the night there, and well, it was too late. It was night, the lights were off, they were ready for bed, and one of the men went to the water to check the tram networks, which could be true as they were using fishing nets.

 In fact, what I'm going to say, you know, is something he never told me, and I didn't ask him at first. It was something he never gave much thought to, and years ago all I thought I ever heard was that they saw a light, something powerful as a ray of light, from the depths of the wilderness. 

I remember hearing that, or at least that's what I heard. And it was last year, when the topic of the band came up, and I shared with him the things that were said in the band, and he again insisted that he wanted to tell his story. So I'm very grateful that I pointedly asked him that day:

"Dad, what exactly did you see? Did you only see a ray of light coming from the desert?» 

And he answered:

"No. That's not all I've seen."

 So he told the story in detail. And he said:

"Look, to give you a better idea, what I saw coming out of the desert flew over the treetops to the point where it shocked them." He gestured that it was cylindrical, metallic - because I had a gray-colored piece of jewelry there, metallic, hanging from the wall - and he said: "Look, it has this color. Imagine it as a giant. a flashlight with a length of 8 to 10 meters. That is, it wasn't huge, just long; at least, that's what I understood. Then he said, " Why the flashlight? Because it had a light coming from its tip, and that was the only light it had."

It flew by at an impressive speed. He didn't hear the noise. He said that all he felt, given his speed, was a "whoosh" sensation, something like that, and he could see it perfectly well because he was inside the tent. Wanting to get out, he opened the door, and as soon as he was outside, he saw the thing come out of the desert, and he watched it fly past perfectly. Of the four men, he saw it best. The night sky had turned into daylight, completely daylight, to the point where the two remaining men in the tent screamed:

"What was that?!» 

They were scared.

But the most remarkable thing was that he saw fire on it [on the object]. In other words, the fire is in the back. And he said the thing never went up, never went down, and never swerved in any direction. It flew at an impressive speed, illuminating everything and always in a straight line, until he saw it go away and, so to speak, hid it from view in the river.

 In general, they were very scared. The man at the water's edge saw the night turn to day, and the object was flying so fast that he saw it just fly by, um, and he actually agreed with my dad after a while - because they were speechless after the event. The man at the water's edge, who was the oldest in the group, was very scared, and later he agreed with my father that they had seen the same thing. Fire, so to speak. 

But well, the one who saw everything perfectly was my dad. Em... it wasn't that he didn't believe in these things, it was just that he didn't let them talk too much. He did speak, but he is not inclined to discuss these topics. But he was a believer. He always said we weren't alone in the universe. He said:

"There are strange things, strange things."

But it was a very powerful experience, he went through it, and he never forgot it. He always loved hunting - small game-fishing, so he always spent a significant part of his life doing what he loved most. In the field, on the river, in the sea ... but he told me that day that he had never, ever had such an experience.

 And today I am grateful for this conversation ... I think I said it was last year. Because, well, I had a chance to listen to him, because before that, I always thought that all he saw was a beam of light passing by at high speed, illuminating everything around him. That's all. And it wasn't. So he was never able to tell his story, but today I am grateful for this conversation and for the fact that today I can share it with all of you.

 I hope you enjoyed it, and once again I thank Louis and Nelson for giving me this opportunity. So, next time I will share my own experience in the city of Berisso. 

Thank you for listening to me, and my best wishes.

Original news

YO FUI TESTIGO (I Was a Witness)

A Series by ICOU (Investigadores de Campo OVNIS Unidos - United UFO Field Researchers)

The Strange Object of La Bagliardi Beach (Berisso, Argentina)

An Eyewitness Report from Sandra Antimi

 Hello, good afternoon, group - my name is Sandra Antimi from the city of La Plata, from Pau Central, and well, today I will be telling you about an incident...that...involved my father. Ehm, I particularly asked Luis [Burgos] if I could share his experience, so thank you, Luis and Nelson, and everyone for giving us this opportunity. Ehm, last year I shared an experience of my own in the city of Berisso during the first marathon held in the month of September, but now there were two reasons for which I wanted to share my dad's incident.

 He had wanted to share his story for a long time with Luis, to tell him about it, and he would always say, "take me, take me" and it hasn't been so long that I have been a member of the group [ICOU], so, well, for reasons known to all, we couldn't hold a skywatch or he kept waiting and waiting, saying, "I want to tell that gentleman about what I saw, what happened to us. So, even during the February 14 skywatch that was going to take place in Ferrari, which was called off on account of the storm, he was desperate, wanting to go. And the second reason is that...well...I lost my dad. I lost him a month ago following the day of the storm. Something was unleashed, something unforeseen and well...I lost him days later, and it’s only been about a month.

 So when Luis discussed making the video, I felt the urge, the need to tell his story, since he was unable to do so. This also took place in the city of Berisso at a beach called La Bagliardi. This was a long time ago, and he couldn't remember the year, saying it could have happened between 15 and 20 years ago...but not less than 15. And...he'd gone with three other men. That is to say, three men and himself. They'd gone camping, to spend the night there, and well, this was late. It was night, the lights were out, they were ready for bed, and one of the men had gone walking to the water's edge to check out the trammel nets, which could have been true, since they used fishing nets.

 In fact, what I'm about to tell you know is something he never told me, and I never asked him at first. It was something he never gave much importance to, and years ago, all I thought I'd ever heard was that they saw a light appear, something powerful like a beam of light, from deep in the wilderness. That's what I recall hearing, or at least that's what I remember having heard. And it was last year, when the subject was brought up, having to do with things involving the group, I would share things with him spoken about in the group and he insisted again that he wanted to tell his story. So I'm very grateful that I asked him pointedly on that day: "Dad, what exactly was it you saw? Did you only see a beam of light coming from the wilderness?" and he replied "No. That wasn't all I saw."

 So he told the story in detail. And he said: "Look, to give you a better idea, what I saw coming out of the wilderness flew over the treetops to the extent that it shook them." He made a gesture with his hands to show it was cylindrical, metallic - because I had a decoration there that was grey in color, metallized, hanging from the wall - and he said: "Look it had that color. Picture it as a giant flashlight, between 8 and 10 meters long." That is to say, it wasn't huge, just long; at least that's what I understood. Then he said: "And why a flashlight? Because it had the light issuing, projecting from its tip, which was the only light it had."

 It went by at an impressive rate of speed. He didn't hear any noise. He said that all he felt, given its speed, was a 'whoosh' sensation, something like that, and he was able to see it perfectly, because he was inside the tent. Wanting to go out, he opened the flap, and no sooner did he step outside, he saw that thing coming out of the wilderness, and watched it fly by perfectly. Of the four men, he was the one who saw it best. The night sky turned to day, completely daylight, to the point that the two remaining men in the tent shouted: "What was that?!" They were frightened.

 But the most remarkable thing was that he saw fire on it [on the object]. In other words, fire in the rear section. And he said that thing never ascended, never descended, and never veered off to any side. It flew past at an impressive rate of speed, illuminating everything and always in a straight line, until he saw it go away and lost it from sight in the river, so to speak.

 In sum, they had a huge fright. The man at the water's edge only saw the night turn to day, and the object was flying so fast that he only saw it go by, ehm, and he did agree with my dad, after a while - because they were left speechless after the event. The man at the water's edge, who was the oldest of the group, was very scared, and he later agreed with my dad that they had seen the same thing. That is to say, the fire. But well, the one who saw everything perfectly was my dad. wasn't that he didn't believe in these things, just not giving to talking too much. He did speak, though, but not given to discussing these subjects. But he was a believer. He always said that we were not alone in the universe. He would say "there are weird things, weird things." But that was a very powerful experience he'd been through, and he never forgot about it. He always loved hunting - small game - fishing, so he always spent a considerable part of his life doing what he loved best. Out in the fields, on the river, in the sea...but that day he told me that he'd never, ever, had a similar experience.

 And today I'm grateful that we had that conversation...I think I said it was last year. Because, well, I had the chance to hear him out, because up to then I always thought he'd only seen a beam of light shooting by at high speed, lighting everything up. That's it. And this was not the case. So he was never able to tell his story, but today I'm grateful for that conversation, and for being able to share it with all of you today.

 So I hope you enjoyed it, and again, my thanks to Luis and Nelson for giving me the opportunity. So, the next time I'll be sharing my own experience in the city of Berisso. Thank you for hearing me out and my best regards.

 [INEXPLICATA extends Ms. Antimi its deepest condolences on the passing of her father.]

 [Translation and transcription (c) 2021 Scott Corrales, IHU with thanks Luis Burgos, FAO/ICOU]


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