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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

UFO. United States

ID #1621952342
Added Tue, 25/05/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
06.2000 06:00
бульвар Пико
Лос-Анджелес, CA
United States

In the summer of 2000, I was driving with my then-girlfriend late at night before sunset in a westerly direction along Pico Boulevard. west of Savelle Boulevard. Stopping at a traffic light, she pointed to something she saw in the sky, which was almost directly above us. 

I had to lean forward so that 3 identical black triangular objects could be seen through the windshield. I watched them for less than 30 seconds. The objects were stationary, and we didn't hear any noise from the objects. No markings, lights, reflections, or familiar aircraft parts (stabilizers, etc.), just a solid black object. The objects were in the form of a loose triangle, separated from each other by a distance of about 5 times their individual width. Most of all, I was struck by their immobility and almost silhouetted appearance.

I was under the impression that the objects were the size of a private jet or a fighter jet. They were significantly higher in height than the usual Santa Monica Airport traffic that regularly occurs in the area, enough that a clenched fist at arm's length could cover two objects (if they were spaced tip to tip).

While watching them, I turned my head to change the viewing angle to make sure it wasn't caused by debris on the windshield or reflections. They were definitely objects in the air.

As soon as the traffic light turned green, I continued driving, but I couldn't see the objects again, as they were almost directly overhead. After we drove a few blocks to make the objects easier to view from a smaller angle, the sky was empty in their place.

Is it possible to explain the observation as any ordinary artificial or natural object? Given the shape of the aircraft, their behavior in the air, and the sudden apparent disappearance, I assume that the objects were either an undisclosed advanced aircraft or an extraterrestrial ship.

Original news

In the summer of 2000, I was driving with my then girlfriend late one afternoon before sunset westbound on Pico Blvd. just west of Sawtelle Blvd.. While stopped at a traffic light, she pointed to something she saw in the sky which was almost directly over us. I had to lean forward to be able to see up through the windshield to observe 3 identical black triangular objects. I observed them for less than 30 seconds. The objects were motionless and we could not hear any noise from the objects. There were no markings, lights, reflections or familiar aircraft features (stabilizers, etc.), just a solid black object. The objects were in a loose triangle formation separated from each other by a distance of approximately 5 times their individual width. What struck me most was their stillness and almost silhouette-like appearance.

My impression is that the objects were the size of private jets or fighter planes. They were significantly higher in altitude that the normal Santa Monica airport traffic that occurs regularly in that area, enough so that a closed fist at arms length could have covered two of the objects (were they spaced tip to tip).

While observing them, I moved my head to change my viewing angle so as to verify that this was not caused by debris on the windshield or reflections. These were definitely airborne objects.

Once the traffic light changed to green, I resumed driving, but was unable to see the objects again since they were nearly directly overhead. Once we had driven a few blocks so that the objects should have been easier to view from a shallower angle, the sky was empty where they had been.

Can sighting be explained as any conventional man-made or natural object?

Given the shape of the craft, their hovering behavior and sudden apparent disappearance, I assume that the objects were either undisclosed advanced aircraft or extraterrestrial craft.

Reported Sighting? No
Location: Towson, MD, USA
Age: 31


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
Not enough information


Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
Not enough information


The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
Not enough information

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