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UFO. Poland

ID #1621965230
Added Tue, 25/05/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 

In the late fall of 2000, two witnesses encountered a strange flying figure in the Konetsko in the north Poland. A tall, long-haired creature was flying in an unusual position in close proximity to the two terrified bystanders. The observation was accompanied by a strange loud hum coming from the forest ...

"The creature was clearly visible. He was flying towards us. It was long-haired and about 1.5-2 m (5-6. 5 ft) tall! It flew over the road and then disappeared into the branches, " Mariusz G. describes the creature he encountered on an autumn night in 2000.

Mariusz G., a 24 - year-old paramedic, works at a hospital in Olsztyn, the capital of the Warmian-Masurian Voivodeships in northern Poland. He is also studying in Gdansk . In 2007, he decided to tell about his encounter with a strange flying humanoid, which occurred in 2000, with Mr. Michal Kuznecz, a member of the Polish NPN group, engaged in the research and study of UFOs.

"It was one of the many evenings when I was returning from my friend's house in Koniecko (about 6 km from Lidzbark Warminski). We used to have a whole crowd there-we used to visit him in our spare time. About halfway between the town and this village, there is a valley with two sharp turns, surrounded by a small forest. That night I was driving with my colleague. It was late autumn, but there was no snow. It was about 23: 00 »

"We were returning on bicycles. We were talking, as I recall, about a colleague of ours who opened a gym in his basement. We were on a straight road, approaching the indicated valley. Although it was late, the moon was shining all around."

"After about 70-100 m (230-300 ft), something prompted me to look correctly. We were pedaling slowly when a figure suddenly appeared, flying along the edge of the forest. It was very clear to see! He was flying with his face turned toward us. Then we stopped. My colleague threw the bike away without resistance and began to run away, like any normal person in such a situation »

"Personally, I don't believe in ghosts and have never been interested in such things, so I started looking for some rational explanation. For several or dozens of seconds, I remained focused on this extraordinary event. To my dismay, I heard terrifying sounds coming from the forest. It was a loud band, and it's hard for me to compare it to anything."

Original news

by Piotr Cielebiaś

Posted: December 23, 2007

In late autumn in 2000 two witnesses encountered strange flying figure in Koniecko in northern part of Poland. The tall, long-haired being was flying in a unusual position in close vicinity of two terrified witnesses. The observation was accompanied by strange, loud rumble coming out of the forest…

“The being was well visible. It was flying with face turned to us. It was long-haired and about 1.5 – 2 m. (5-6.5 ft) in height! It flew over the road and then disappeared in the branches” – Mariusz G. describes the being that he encountered at autumn night in 2000.

Mariusz G. is 24-year-old paramedic working in a hospital in Olsztyn – a capital city of Warminsko-Mazurskie Województwo in northern Poland. He is also studying in Gdansk. In 2007 he decided to relate his encounter with weird flying humanoid that took place in 2000 to Mr. Michal Kusnierz – a member of Polish UFO reporting and researching group NPN.

“It was one of many evenings when I was returning from my buddy in Koniecko (located about 6 km. away from Lidzbark Warminski). There used to be a whole crowd of us there – we used to visit him in free time . About the midway between the city and this village there is a valley with two sharp curves surrounded with small forest. At that night I was traveling with my colleague. It was late autumn but there were no snow around. It was about 11 p.m.”

“We were returning by bikes. We were talking, as I can remember, about our colleague who opened a gym in his cellar. We found ourselves on a straight path nearing the mentioned valley. Although it was late the Moon enlightened all around.”

“After about 70 – 100 m. (230 – 300 ft) something urged me to look right. We were pedaling slowly, when suddenly a figure flying along the forest rim appeared. It was very well visible! It was flying with its face turned to us. Then we stopped. My colleague without resistance throw the bicycle away and began to flee away, as every normal man in similar situation” – “Personally, I don’t believe in ghost and I was never interested with similar matters therefore I began to search for some rational explanation. With my heart in my mouth for several or dozen of seconds I remained focused on this extraordinary event. To my fear I could hear terrifying sounds coming out of the forest. It was a loud band and I find it difficult to compare it to anything.”


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
Not enough information


Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
Not enough information


The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
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