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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

Chronorally. Canada

ID #1622565012
Added Tue, 01/06/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
08.2003 23:00
Эйрдри, AB

The gentleman asked for a report. He first told me that he lived in the next town north of Airdrie, Alberta. Back in 2000, he was living in Calgary, Alberta, and they had just bought a house north of Airdrie. 

The guy works in the evenings, so one night when he finished his shift at work, he asked a good friend if he would like to take a ride and see his new house that he had bought. He told me it was a beautiful evening, and they decided to go and see the new house. 

They set off, the two men discussing the distance they would have to travel from Calgary to their new home. The driver thought that they would have to drive about 40 kilometers, but his friend thought that it would be a little further. 

The driver pressed a button on the odometer, which set zero kilometers. This way they will know how far they are going to go in one direction. 

The two men arrived safely at their destination, looked around, talked for a while, etc. It was getting late in the afternoon, so they thought it best to return to the road leading to the house. 

A passenger in the car told the driver that his relatives lived in Airdrie and it would be nice if they drove past to show the driver their home. As they were driving along the highway outside Airdrie, the driver noticed some very bright lights coming behind them. 

The lights were very bright, the passenger turned to look, he commented on the brightness and speed of the approaching lights. Both men thought it was a car, never really thought about it, except for those lights that almost blinded the driver. And here's where the story takes a strange turn. 

Suddenly, the guys came across a large sign that says "Country Hill Boulevard", which is the first exit to Calgary. What is puzzling is that from the moment the strange lights appear behind them to the sign that says "Country Hill Boulevard", there is a possibility that some time has been lost. Both men have no recollection of passing through Airdrie at all. The driver looked at the odometer and noticed that they could have missed 20 kilometers. 

As he told me, he never thought about it, but he found it rather strange. The driver also said that he had passed this section of the highway many times, and nothing like this had ever happened. I asked the man if he or his friend had ever had vivid dreams, and he said no. As far as he knows, nothing unusual happened to him, except for this strange event. 

The driver mentioned that his friend did lose a little sleep over the experience.

Original news

Date: July 6 2003
Location: Airdrie Canada, AB
Time: 23:00 
Summary: A gentleman called on to file a report. He first told me he lives in the next town north of Airdrie, Alberta. Back in the year 2000 he was living in Calgary, Alberta and they had just purchased the home north of Airdrie. The fellow works evenings, so one night when he finished off his shift at work, he asked a good friend if he wanted to take a drive and have a look at his new home he had purchased. He told me it was a beautiful evening and they decided to take the trip to look at the new home. They headed out, both men discussing the distance they would be traveling from Calgary to the new home. The driver thought they would be traveling some 40 kilometers, but his friend thought it would be a little further then that. The driver hit the button on the odometer which set it at zero kilometers. This way they would know just how far they were about to travel one way. The two men arrived safely at their destination and had a look around and took some time talking etc… It was starting to get later into the evening so they thought it best to get back on the road heading towards home. The passenger in the vehicle mentioned to the driver that he had in-laws living in Airdrie and would it be ok if they swung by to show the driver their home. As they drove along the highway outside of Airdrie the driver noticed some very bright lights coming up from behind them. The lights were very bright, has the passenger had turned around to look he commented on the brightness and how fast the lights were approaching them. Both men thinking this was a vehicle never gave it a lot of thought, other than these lights which were almost blinding to the driver. Now here is where the story takes a strange twist. All of a sudden the fellows came upon a large sign, it read “Country Hill Boulevard” which is the first exit to Calgary. What is puzzling is that from when the strange lights came up from behind them and to the sign which read “Country Hill Boulevard”, there is a possibility that some time has gone missing. Both men do not recall driving through Airdrie at all. The driver took a look at the odometer and he noticed they may be missing 20 kilometers. As he mentioned to me, he never gave any of this much thought, but did find it rather strange. The driver also said he has driven this stretch of highway many times and nothing like this has ever taken place. I asked the man if he or his friend had ever had any vivid dreams and he said no. As far as he knows nothing out of the ordinary has happened to him other than this one strange event. The driver did mention that his friend did lose a little sleep over the experience.
Source:  National UFO Reporting Center


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